The Ode of a Hundred Diseases1 of the Grand Compendium of Acupuncture-Moxibustion2 (from Zhēn Jiǔ Jù Yīng)3 translated from chinese by Lorraine Wilcox L.Ac.
- An ode (賦 fù) is a work of rhymed prose or poetic prose. The ancient Chinese coded the information into poetry and rhythmic prose to make it easier to remember. This ode generally does not rhyme and changes rhythm constantly. However, in order to make it concise and rhythmic, the original author added or omitted words. These words of "filling" and "connection" have little significance and are often difficult to translate. As a result, my translation is as precise as possible regarding the technical terms (indications and points), but may have modified the non-technical words to make French easier to read.
- 《針灸 大成》 The Grand Compendium of Acupuncture-Moxibustion – Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Chéng, by Yáng Jìzhōu, published in 1601 (Míng). This text is taken from volume 2.
- 《針灸 聚 英》 Compilation of prominent acupuncturists, the Zhēn Jiǔ Jù Yīng, from 武 Gāo Wǔ, was published in 1529 (Míng). This ode was recorded for the first time in volume 4 of Jù Yīng, which indicates that the author is unknown. A number of apparent typographical errors in the text of Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Chéng have been corrected based on the text of Zhēn Jiǔ Jù Yīng.
百 症 俞穴, 再三 用心.
Pay special attention to the shù points to treat the hundred diseases over and over again.
顖 會 連 於 玉 枕, 頭 風 療 以 金針.
懸 顱 頷 厭 之中, 偏 頭痛 止;
強 間 豐隆 之 際, 頭痛 難禁.
Use a gold needle on Xìn Huì (Du 22) associated with Yù Zhěn (V 9) to heal the head wind. (BZF1)
Unilateral headaches are stopped by Xuán Lú (VB 5) and Hàn Yàn (VB 4). (BZF2)
Qiáng Jiān (Du 18) and Fēng Lóng (E 40) treat hard to bear headaches. (BZF3)
原 夫 面 腫 虛浮, 須 仗 水溝 前 頂;
耳聾 氣 閉, 全憑 聽 會 翳 風.
面上 蟲 行 有 驗, 迎 香 可取;
耳 中 蟬噪 有 聲, 聽 會 堪 攻.
Source! 1 For swelling of the face and puffy bags under the eyes, you should trust Shuǐ Gōu (Du 26) and Qián Dǐng (Du 21). (BZF4)
For deafness with blocked qì2 trust Tīng Huì (VB 2) and Yì Fēng (SJ 17) entirely. (BZF5)
The feeling that insects are crawling on the face (itching or tingling), Yíng Xiāng (GI 20) can treat it. (BZF6)
Tīng Huì (VB 2) can treat the sounds of cicadas in the ears (tinnitus). (BZF7)
- It seems to be just an exclamation, with no particular meaning.
- This is usually due to anger, as the qi du or yang of the liver rises.
目眩 兮, 支 正 飛揚;
目 黃 兮, 陽 綱 膽 俞.
攀 睛 攻 少 澤 肝 俞 之 所;
. 淚 出 刺 臨 泣 頭 維 之 處 目 中 漠漠, 即 尋 攢 竹 三 間;
目 覺 〔目 巟〕 〔〕 目 巟, 急 取 養老 天柱.
觀 其 雀 目 肝氣, 睛 明 行 間 而 細 推;
Eyes that fail to focus: Zhī Zhèng (IG 7) and Fēi Yáng (V 58). (BZF8)
The yellow eyes: Yáng Gāng (V 48) and Dǎn Shù (V 19). (BZF9)
For (a pteryium) crawling on the eyes, attack the place of Shào Zé (IG 1) and Gān Shù (V 18). (BZF10)
For tearing, prick the site of Lín Qì (VB 15 or VB 41) and Tóu Wéi (E 8). (BZF11)
For misty eyes look for Zǎn Zhú (V 2) and Sān Jiān (GI 3). (BZF12)
When the eyes see blur, quickly select Yǎng Lǎo (IG 6) and Tiān Zhù (V 10). (BZF13)
If you observe sparrow eyes (night blindness) due to liver qi, advance gently with Jīng Míng (V 1) and Xíng Jiān (F 2). (BZF14)
審 他 項 強 傷寒, 溫 溜 期 門 而 主 之.
廉 泉 中 沖, 舌下 腫 疼 堪 取;
天府 合谷, 鼻中 衄血 宜 追.
耳 門 絲竹 空, 住 牙疼 於 頃刻;
頰 車 地 倉 穴, 正 口 喎 於 片時.
A stiff neck due to cold damage indicates Wēn Liū (GI 7) and Qī Mén (F 14). (BZF15)
Lián Quán (Ren 23) and Zhōng Chōng (PC 9) can be selected to treat swelling and pain under the tongue. (BZF16)
Tiān Fǔ (P 3) and Hé Gǔ (GI 4) are suitable for tracking nosebleeds. (BZF17)
Ménr Mén (SJ 21) and Sī Zhú Kōng (SJ 23) stop toothache in an instant. (BZF18)
Jiá Chē (E 6) and Dì Cāng (E 4) correct the deviation of the mouth in an instant. (BZF19)
喉痛 兮, 液 門 魚 際 去 療;
轉 筋 兮, 金門 邱 墟 來 醫.
陽谷 俠 溪, 頷 腫 口噤 並 治;
少 商 曲 澤, 血虛 口渴 同 施.
通天 去 鼻內 無 聞 之 苦;
復 溜 祛 舌 乾 口燥 之 悲.
Sore throat: Yè Mén (SJ 2) and Yú Jì (P 10) will treat him. (BZF20)
Cramps: Jīn Mén (V 63) and Qiū Xū (VB 40) come to treat them. (BZF21)
Yáng Gǔ (IG 5) and Xiá Xī (GB 43) also treat swelling of the chin or tight jaws. (BZF22)
Shào Shāng (P 11) and Qū Zé (PC 3) are used together to treat an emptiness of the blood with a thirsty mouth. (BZF23)
Tōng Tiān (V 7) removes the suffering related to the lack of smell. (BZF24)
Fù Liū (R 7) dispels the tragedy of the tongue and dry mouth. (BZF25)
啞 門 關 沖, 舌 緩 不 語 而 要緊;
天鼎 間 使, 失音 囁 嚅 而 休 遲.
太沖 瀉 唇 喎 以 速愈;
承 漿 瀉 牙疼 而 即 移.
Yǎ Mén (Du 15) and Guān Chōng (SJ 1) tighten a soft tongue that prevents speaking. (BZF26)
Tiān Dǐng (GI 17) and Jiān Shǐ (PC 5) end the loss of voice or stuttering. (BZF27)
Scatter Tài Chōng (F 3) to speed up the recovery of the deviated lips. (BZF28)
Scatter Chéng Jiāng (Ren 24) to immediately stop a toothache. (BZF29)
項 強 多 惡 風, 束 骨 相連 於 天柱;
熱病 汗 不出, 大都 更 接 於 經 渠.
For stiff neck and frequent wind aversion, connect Shù Gǔ (V 65) to Tiān Zhù (V 10). (BZF30)
For illnesses due to heat and lack of perspiration, connect Dà Dū (Rte 2) with Jīng Qú (P 8). (BZF31)
且 如 兩臂 頑 麻, 少 海 就 傍 於 三 里;
半身不遂, 陽 陵 遠達 於 曲 池.
In addition, if both arms are stubbornly numb, Shào Hǎi (C 3) is close to Sān Lǐ (GI 10). (BZF32)
Yáng Líng (VB 34) blames Qū Chí (GI 11) for a half-body paralysis. (BZF33)
建 里 內 關, 掃盡 胸中 之 苦悶;
聽 宮 脾俞, 祛 殘 心 下 之 悲凄.
久 知 脋 肋 疼痛, 氣 戶 華蓋 有 靈;
腹內 腸鳴, 下 脘 陷 谷 能 平.
胸 脋 支 滿 何 療, 章 門 不容 細 尋;
膈 痛飲 蓄 難禁, 膻 中 巨闕 便 針.
Jiàn Lǐ (Ren 11) and Nèi Guān (PC 6) completely remove the pain from chest tightness. (BZF34)
Tīng Gōng (IG 19) and Pí Shù (V 20) dispel the remnants of sorrow and desolation below the heart. (BZF35)
Qì Hù (E 13) and Huá Gài (Ren 20) are divinely effective for those who have suffered from pain in the ribs for a long time. (BZF36)
Xià Wǎn (Ren 10) and Xiàn Gǔ (E 43) can calm intestinal rumblings inside the abdomen. (BZF37)
How to treat the fullness of the chest and ribs? Look carefully for Zhāng Mén (F 13) and Bù Róng (E 19). (BZF38)
Puncture Dàn Zhōng (Ren 17) and Jù Quē (Ren 14) for pain in the diaphragm with accumulation of mucus which is difficult to bear. (BZF39)
胸 滿 更加 噎 塞, 中 府 意 舍 所 行
胸膈 停留 瘀血, 腎俞 巨 髎 宜 徵.
胸 滿 項 強, 神 藏 璇璣 已 試;
背 連 腰痛, 白 環 委 中 曾經.
Zhōng Fǔ (P 1) and Yì Shě (V 49) eliminate thoracic fullness and dysphagia. (BZF40)
For persistent blood stasis in the chest and diaphragm, Shèn Shù (V 23) and Jù Liáo (E 3) should be sought. (BZF41)
For chest fullness and stiffness of the neck, Shén Cáng (R 25) and Xuán Jī (Ren 21) have already been tested. (BZF42)
In case of pain connecting the upper and lower back, Bái Huán (V 30) and Wěi Zhōng (V 40) will pass it. (BZF43)
脊 強 兮, 水道 筋 縮;
目 瞤 兮, 顴 髎 大 迎.
痓 病 非 顱 息 而不 愈;
臍 風 須 然 谷 而易 醒.
Rigidity of the spine: Shuǐ Dào (E 28) and Jīn Suō (Du 8). (BZF44)
Trembling eyes 1 : Quán Liáo (IG 18) and Dà Yíng (E 5). (BZF45)
We will not recover from tetany without Lú Xī (SJ 19). (BZF46)
To wake up easily from the umbilical wind (tetanus in newborns), Rán Gǔ (R 2) is a must. (BZF47)
- Jù Yīng writes 目 瞤 trembling eyes; Dà Chéng writes 目眩 blurred / dizzying vision.
委 陽 天池, 腋 腫 針 而 速 散;
後 谿 環 跳, 腿疼 刺 而 即 輕.
The Wěi Yáng (V 39) and Tiān Chí (PC 1) needles will quickly disperse the swelling of the axillary region. (BZF48)
Stitch Hòu Xī (IG 3) and Huán Tiào (VB 30) for leg pain and the symptoms improve quickly. (BZF49)
夢魘 不安, 厲 兌 相 諧 於 隱 白;
發狂 奔走, 上脘 同 起 於 神 門.
驚悸 怔忡, 取 陽 交 解 谿 勿 誤;
反 張 悲哭, 仗 天 衝 大 橫 須 精.
癲 疾 必 身 柱 本 神 之 令;
發熱 仗 少 沖 曲 池 之 津.
For oppressive dreams due to ghosts1 , Lì Duì (E 45) is in harmony with Yǐn Bái (Rte 1). (BZF50)
For episodes of restless mania: Shàng Wǎn (Ren 13) with Shén Mén (C 7). (BZF51)
Do not be mistaken in choosing Yáng Jiāo (VB 35) and Jiě Xī (E 41) for palpitations due to fear and fear. (BZF52)
For the stiffly braced back and weeping use Tiān Chōng (VB 9) and Dà Héng (Rte 15), which will be perfect. (BZF53)
For madness (or depression / withdrawal), you must use the commands of Shēn Zhù (Du 12) and Běn Shén (VB 13). (BZF54)
For fever, use Shào Chōng (C 9) and Qū Chí (GI 11) for liquids (jīn). (BZF55)
- The oppressive dreams caused by ghosts include cries of terror, inability to move, and the feeling of having something pressing on your chest while dreaming.
歲 熱 時 行, 陶 道 復 求 肺俞 理;
風 癇 常 發, 神道 須 還 心俞 寧.
濕 寒 濕熱 下 髎 定;
厥 寒厥 熱 湧泉 清.
寒慄 惡寒, 二 間 疏通 陰 郄 暗;
煩心 嘔吐, 幽門 開 徹 玉堂 明.
For the annual heat and the seasonal epidemics, Táo Dào (Du 13) seeks Fèi Shù (V 13) several times to manage it. (BZF56)
Shén Dào (Du 11) must return to Xīn Shù (V 15) to restore tranquility in the event of epilepsy due to the wind. (BZF57)
Xià Liáo (V 34) is certain for humid cold and humid heat. (BZF58)
For the reversal of the cold and the reversal of the heat, Yǒng Quán (R 1) suppresses it. (BZF59)
For cold chills and aversion to cold, Èr Jiān (GI 2) releases them and Yīn Xī (C 6) weakens them. (BZF60)
For the vexation due to the heat with vomiting, Yōu Mén (R 21) opens it and Yù Táng (Ren 18) illuminates it. (BZF61)
行 間 湧泉, 主 消渴 之 腎 竭;
陰 陵水 分, 去 水腫 之 臍 盈.
癆 瘵 傳 尸, 趨 魄 戶 膏肓 之 路;
中 邪 霍亂, 尋 陰 谷 三 里 之 程.
治 疸 消 黃, 諧 後 谿 勞 宮 而 看;
倦 言 嗜 臥, 往 通 里 大 鍾 而 明.
Xíng Jiān (F 2) and Yǒng Quán (R 1) govern the wasting-drying of the kidneys. (BZF62)
Yīn Líng (Rte 9) and Shuǐ Fēn (Ren 9) eliminate the swelling of the water around the navel. (BZF63)
For tuberculosis and its spread, take the paths of Pò Hù (V 42) and Gāo Huāng (V 43). (BZF64)
For an evil attack and sudden agitation (cholera), make a trip to Yīn Gǔ (R 10) and Sān Li (E 36). (BZF65)
To treat jaundice and dispel yellowing, harmonize Hòu Xī (IG 3) and Láo Gōng (PC 8) to see what's going on. (BZF66)
If you are tired of talking and looking for the lying position, go to Tōng Lǐ (C 5) and Dà Zhōng (R 4) to refresh yourself. (BZF67)
咳嗽 連聲, 肺俞 須 迎 天 突 穴;
小便 赤 濇, 兌 端 獨 瀉 太陽 經.
刺 長 強 於 承 山, 善 主 腸 風 新 下 血;
針 三陰 於 氣 海, 專 司 白濁 久 遺精.
Fèi Shù (V 13) must welcome Tiān Tū (Ren 22) in the event of repeated coughing. (BZF68)
Duì Duān (Du 27) only drains the Tài Yáng channel in the event of strong red urination. (BZF69)
Pricking Cháng Qiáng (Du 1) with Chéng Shān (V 57) is good for controlling the intestinal wind with fresh blood in the stool. (BZF70)
The puncture of Sān Yīn (Rte 6) with Qì Hǎi (Ren 6) is special for controlling white turbidity and lasting loss of gasoline (seminal emission). (BZF71)
且 如 肓 俞 橫 骨, 瀉 五淋 之 久 積;
陰 郄 後 谿, 治 盜汗 之多 出.
脾虛 穀 以 不消, 脾俞 膀胱 俞 覓;
胃 冷食 而 難 化, 魂 門 胃 俞 堪 責.
In addition, Huāng Shù (R 16) and Héng Gǔ (R 11) drain the persistent accumulations of the five lín (urinary disorders). (BZF72)
Yīn Xī (C 6) and Hòu Xī (IG 3) treat stolen profuse sweating (night sweating). (BZF73)
For emptiness of the spleen with non-dispersion of the grains, look for Pí Shù (V 20) and Páng Guāng Shù (V 28). (BZF74)
Hún Mén (V 47) and Wèi Shù (V 21) can manage the cold of the stomach causing difficulties in processing food. (BZF75)
鼻 痔 必 取 齗 交;
癭 氣 須 求 浮 白.
大 敦 照 海, 患 寒疝 而 善 蠲;
五里 臂 臑, 生 癧 瘡 而 能 治.
至陰 屋 翳, 療 癢 疾 之 疼 多;
肩 顒 陽 谿, 消 癮 風 之 熱 極.
You must select Yín Jiāo (Du 28) for nasal polyps. (BZF76)
You should look for Fú Bái (VB 10) for goiter. (BZF77)
Dà Dūn (F 1) and Zhào Hǎi (R 6) are effective in alleviating the suffering of cold shàn. (BZF78)
Wǔ Lǐ (GI 13) and Bì Nào (GI 14) can treat scrofula wounds. (BZF79)
Zhì Yīn (V 67) and Wū Yì (E 15) cure the frequent pains caused by itching. (BZF80)
Jiān Yú (GI 15) and Yáng Xī (GI 5) disperse the extreme heat of the sleeping wind (hives). (BZF81)
抑 又 論 婦人 經 事 改 常, 自有 地 機 血海;
女子 少 氣 漏血, 不 無 交 信 合 陽.
帶下 產 崩, 衝 門 氣 衝 宜 審;
月 潮 違 限, 天 樞 水泉 細 詳.
In addition, let us examine the pathological changes in the female rules (probably irregular menstruation); we have Dì Jī (Rte 8) and Xuè Hǎi (Rte 10). (BZF82)
For a woman suffering from a lack of qi and leaking blood, we are not without Jiāo Xìn (R 8) and Hé Yáng (V 55). (BZF83)
Chōng Mén (Rte 12) and Qì Chōng (E 30) are suitable for abnormal vaginal discharge and postpartum hemorrhage. (BZF84)
When the lunar tide exceeds its limits, carefully examine Tiān Shū (E 25) and Shuǐ Quán (R 5). (BZF85)
肩 井 乳 癰 而 極 效;
商丘 痔 瘤 而 最 良.
脫肛 趨 百 會 尾 翳 之 所;
無 子 搜 陰 交 石 關 之 鄉.
Jiān Jǐng (VB 21) is extremely effective for breast abscesses. (BZF86)
Shāng Qiū (Rte 5) is particularly suitable for hemorrhoids and tumors. (BZF87)
For the prolapse of the anus, hurry to go to the place where are Bǎi Huì (Du 20) and Wěi Yì (alternative name for Jiū Wěi, Ren 15). (BZF88)
Without childhood, seek the homeland of Yīn Jiāo (Ren 7) and Shí Guān (R 18). (BZF89)
中 脘 主 乎 積 痢;
外 邱 收 乎 大腸.
Zhōng Wǎn (Ren 12) governs accumulations and dysentery! (BZF90)
Wài Qiū (VB 36) brings the large intestine together! (BZF91)
寒 瘧 兮 商 陽 太 谿 驗;
痃 癖 兮 衝 門 血海 強.
Shāng Yáng (GI 1) and Tài Xī (R 3) have been tested for cold malaria. (BZF92)
Chōng Mén (Rte 12) and Xuè Hǎi (Rte 10) are powerful for strings and clusters (types of abdominal masses). (BZF93)
夫 醫 乃 人 之 司命, 非 志士 而 莫 為;
針 乃 理 之 淵 微, 須 至人 之 指教.
Now the doctor is the commander of the patient's destiny. If it is not a person of integrity, there is nothing to do.
Acupuncture is a deep theory. We must receive advice from a saint or a sage.
先 究 其 病源, 後 攻 其 穴道, 隨手 見 功, 應 針 取 效.
Study the sources of the disease first; then study the acupuncture points.
In accordance with your hands and in response to the needle, you will see results and achieve effectiveness.
方 知 玄理 之 玄, 始 達 妙 中 之 妙. 此篇 不盡, 略舉 其 要.
Then you will know the depth of the theory; you will begin to achieve subtlety in the subtle.
This writing does not exhaust him; he briefly quotes the most important.
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