Your dentist in the Oral B SmartSeries toothbrush

Present at the Mobile World Congress, the number one in dental care presented the new features of its application dedicated to SmartSeries intelligent toothbrushes.

The most sophisticated toothbrush on the market

Exit a year ago at MWC 2014, the toothbrush Oral-B SmartSeries had been talked about. Indeed, if we had already seen smart health connected toothbrushes, this one was and still is much more sophisticated. Thanks to its application, it analyzes your “oral performance”, advises you and offers you personalized brushing zones. In addition, it offers you something to occupy yourself with during your routine: weather, information…

Oral B Application

A recognized toothbrush

Since, SmartSeries has proven itself. The first results show improving oral hygiene behaviors worldwide. App data indicates that Oral-B electric toothbrush users currently brush their teeth on average 2mn24 is about 60 seconds longer than users of manual toothbrushes. And 80% of brushings last more than two minutes. In addition, more than half of the recorded brushing sessions involve using dental floss, mouthwash and cleaning the tongue.

OralB Performance

"We are encouraged by consumer feedback and data regarding the ability of our application to improve and maintain oral hygiene routines. We used this data as inspiration for thiscontinue to invest and innovate in this area ”said Stephen Squire, P&G Brand Manager (owner of Oral-B).

New functions for more personalization

Oral-B continues to improve its application and now offers the functions Journeys Dental Care (expeditions to the heart of dental care) and Professional Guidance (professional support). The first offers custom schedules to help users achieve their oral hygiene goals, including have whiter teeth or fresher breath.

Oral B App 2

It defines a brushing routine more active and engaged during a predetermined period and also offers recommendations for gestures and products to use. Users can choose from five expeditions : fresh breath, product to fight against dental plaque, teeth whitening, gum health or orthodontic hygiene.

Professional advice

The Professional Guidance offers the possibility to your dental professional to add a additional brushing time on certain areas that require more attention in the mouth, define your dental problems and provide you with special brushing instructions, all via the app. You can then share your stats with him by email, and discuss areas to improve your oral hygiene routine.

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<h2 id=A worldwide success

The Oral-B SmartSeries smart health connected toothbrush with connectivity Bluetooth 4.0 is actually available in more than 20 markets in Europe, North America and Asia. By summer 2015, the brush will be available in nearly 50 world markets. Bluetooth connectivity will be introduced to models Oral-B Pro 5000 and 5800 during the summer of 2015, through the creation of more interactive options at different price levels. The 3.0 Oral-B application will be available free of charge under iOS and Android in the summer of 2015. Fortunately since the toothbrush already costs 300 €. It’s expensive, but SmartSeries offers many more features than smart health connected toothbrushes like the Kolibree or the Beam, one of the cheapest on the market.

source: oral-b


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