[WTS] Do you gild the pill safely with UVA + B SunFriend

Everyone knows that too much sun is bad for the skin. But when you're tanning or playing in the water, how do you know when your skin is overdosed with UV? Just wear the SunFriend UVA + B on your wrist, present at the Wearable Technology Show 2015 (WTS).

Under the sun …

Ha, the sun, the heat, the beach, the seagulls … Are you dreaming? Well, sure, it's not the time yet. In the meantime, you can always prepare for your vacation in the sun by purchasing the UVA + B SunFriend, a bracelet that detects UV rays. Your skin will thank you!

The SunFriend alerts you when you expose yourself too much to UV raysBut, sunbathing can do you good since you are full of vitamins D, known for its benefits like lowering blood pressure and lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. But if you expose yourself too much to the sun, you also put yourself at risk for skin cancer. Suddenly less fun! With the SunFriend UVA + B, you will know when it is better to turn back and get in the shade. You will have your vitamin D levels at the maximum, but without risking cancer. More fun!

A bracelet with a fun look, but very serious!

Of course, with its very bright colors, the UVA + B SunFriend looks like a gadget. But it is not. Indeed, its technology is inspired by that of NASA with its UV-sensitive LEDs which light up when you fill up on vitamins D and which flash when you reach the UV exposure limit.

Childishly simple

Each person has their own skin type more or less sensitive to UV rays. This is why it is necessary to indicate to the bracelet the sensitivity of its skin (from 1 to 4 for the clearest and therefore sensitive to the least sensitive, the darkest). You will have to adjust the sensitivity of the bracelet according to your feelings during your exhibitions. Obviously, you have to wear the bracelet all day to measure your vitamin D levels. And to check this rate, just press the Check UVA + B button. And pay attention to the flash of your LEDs, they are the ones that will tell you when to put yourself in the shade. And to reset it for the next day, just turn off the SunFriend UVA + B.

This bracelet is therefore very useful for everyone, from children to the elderly. Everyone is concerned about the risk of overflowing exposure to UV rays. And for a price of € 46, let the whole family enjoy it!

The SunFriend alerts you when you expose yourself too much to UV rays

source: sunfriend


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