World Floor Puzzle Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid

Discount School Supply
21.46 USD Buy Now

in stock,Discount School Supply-School Supplies, Arts & Crafts,STEM & Curriculum|Social Awareness|World Cultures,History,Melissa & Doug ®

Explore the continents of the world and some of their animal inhabitants. 2′ x 3′ when assembled, the 33 extra-thick pieces are 20% thicker than the competition’s. Its easy-clean surface keeps puzzle looking new. Make learning geography fun!

PreK-K Core Standards
  • SOC (K) Understands the theme of people, places, and environments involves the study of location, place, and the interactions of people with their surroundings.
  • SOC (P) Recognize that people share the environment with other people, animals and plants.

K-3 Core Standards
  • SOC (K) Understands concepts such as: growth, change, learning, self, family, group.
  • SOC (3) Understands that tools such as maps, globes, and geospatial technologies in investigating the relationships among people, places, and environments.
  • SOC (K) Understands the theme of people, places, and environments involves the study of location, place, and the interactions of people with their surroundings.
  • SOC (2) Understands key symbols and traditions that are carried from the past into the present may reflect differently within cultures.

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World Floor Puzzle Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
World Floor Puzzle Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
21.46 USD
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