Withings Sleep Analyzer clinically validated for the detection of sleep apnea

Withings, a pioneer in connected health, launches on April 28 the Withings Sleep Analyzer, its new sleep sensor which allows the detection of sleep apnea. This connected MD has been validated following a clinical study and benefits from the medical CE marking.

Affecting around 5% of the French adult population and poorly detected, sleep apnea, a source of fatigue and cardiovascular complications, is of great interest to manufacturers of connected objects, and in particular sleep sensors. The challenge: to offer a non-invasive and preventive alternative to polysomnography, which remains the benchmark examination for the diagnosis of sleep apnea and is only performed on medical prescription.

However, the solution must be clinically validated.

With its new Sleep Analyzer, Withings continues its work on sleep. Placed under the mattress, this non-invasive sensor allows the user to obtain a follow-up of his precise nights, by finding all his sleep data in the Health Mate application upon waking thanks to automatic synchronization over Wi-Fi.

Like its previous version, the Sleep Analyzer consists of a pneumatic sensor to measure the movements of the rib cage, the heart rate and thus analyze the different sleep phases and their duration. The novelty is to have coupled with this technology, a low frequency sensor to analyze snoring and thus determine if there is sleep apnea with a specific algorithm. As a detection tool, the Sleep Analyzer also aims to support compliance with apnea treatment (wearing a mask connected to a positive pressure machine-CPAP) by offering new motivation to the patient.

Every morning, he can see in the Health Mate application the impact of his treatment on the quality of his sleep and the significant reduction in the number of apneas per hour. Developed in collaboration with sleep doctors at Antoine Béclère Hospital (Paris) and St-Pierre Hospital (Brussels) and already tested in clinical studies, Sleep Analyzer offers medical quality measurements.

Clinically validated

The detection of sleep apnea (of moderate to severe type) by the Sleep Analyzer was validated by a clinical study carried out on 118 patients with the sleep medicine center of the Antoine Béclère Hospital (Paris) and the sleep laboratory. – pneumology department of St-Pierre Hospital (Brussels). The results of the Withings Sleep Analyzer were compared to the benchmark test performed on patients undergoing polysomnography in a sleep clinic. With 15 apneas per hour as a reference threshold, the two detection solutions had almost similar results. The average AHI (apnea-hypopnea index per hour of sleep, apnea severity criterion) measured with the Sleep Analyzer was 32.5 / hour compared to 32.8 / hour by polysomnography (one apnea every 2 min during sleep). The sensitivity (percentage of true patients detected) is 86% and the specificity (percentage of non-sick subjects correctly detected) 91% for the Sleep Analyzer, guaranteeing a very high level of comparison of the results with polysomnography.

A test for the general public

Withings offers the general public to discover the Stop-Bang test, which allows them to determine their risk factors for apnea, by answering 8 simple questions. Developed by the University Health Network (Anesthesiology 2008; 108: 812-21), this test makes you aware of its risks. Take the test here

Withings Sleep Analyzer is available for $129.95 on Withings.com and in partner distribution networks.

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