Developed by the Adela Health firm, the TruPosture T-shirt should help us to keep a good position in the office and avoid back pain.
Stand up straight! How many times have we heard it, and how many times today still we do not respect this order. It hurts us a lot, our back makes us pay well at the end of the day. To help avoid getting slumped in front of his desk, the TruPosture T-shirt has been created.
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The secret of this garment is found in the breathable fabric used to make it and which incorporates a battery of sensors supposed to help better manage its posture. Located along the spine, they will therefore accurately measure the arch of the back. In case of bad posture, the T-shirt will emit vibrations towards the damaged area so as to know precisely what it will be necessary to correct to find a good position.
TruPosture is smart health connected to a smartphone application via Bluetooth, on which the user will be able to view all of their data in the form of graphs. Advice may even be given in order to better keep up. Still in the prototype state, TruPosture is currently in campaign on the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo.