With Pill'up, forget the pillboxes: your medicines become smart health connected!


Pill’up is a "smart" button that sticks to medicine boxes to remind patients to take their treatment.

The health sector will experience a real revolution in the coming years. In his report "Disruptive Technologies", the McKinsey consulting firm estimates that the health sector will represent between 1/3 and half of the global economic impact of smart health connected objects in 2025. Already, certain fields are benefiting from this technological advance such as diabetes or compliance.

Like the smart health connected pill organizers or of iRemember, Pill'up is a smart reminder system that you can add to your medication box. A smart health connected button to remind you to take your medication.

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Observance is by definition the " concordance between a person's behavior – taking medication, dieting and / or behavioral changes – and the recommendations of a caregiver. It is estimated that about 1 in 2 patients forget to take their medication and 3 in 10 patients do not complete their treatment. Because of the economic consequences and the impact on the health status of individuals, the subject of compliance constitutes a major public health issue. For your information, non-compliance cost Social Security 2 billion euros in 2012.

smart health connected objects for health:

Created by a pharmacist toxicologist Stéphane Pirnay with the help of a Polytechnique engineer, Electronic Alliance is an e-health company which aims to assist patients in their medication intake. She has developed a tool that allows patients to be more observant of their treatment. Pill’up is a smart health connected button that you stick on the secondary packaging of medicines. It indicates to the patient, via an audible alarm or a flashing light signal, the time of taking his tablet and the dose to be taken.

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Each time the patient takes a drug, they press the "smart" button. This support is transmitted to the Smartphone which memorizes the take via a mobile application. It allows him to follow his daily treatment (the dose, the type and the time of the next medication) and to visualize in case of doubt the history of his catches.

If the patient forgets to take their medication, 3 reminders are scheduled at 20 minute intervals. And, for people with Alzheimer's disease or addiction, it is possible to alert a loved one via SMS if they have forgotten.

A computer server makes it possible to transmit the data in a completely secure way to a family member or a health professional (doctor, pharmacist, nurse, etc.). Healthcare professionals can therefore monitoring their patients' compliance and help them improve.

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Pill’up can be used by all patients needing chronic treatment, by women using the contraceptive pill but also in clinical studies to reduce compliance bias.

Last winner Mobile Health Trophy, event aimed at rewarding health applications and smart health connected objects, Pill'up is being marketed. No date and price has yet been announced. The smart health connected button will be on sale in pharmacies. The app will be available for free download on iOS and Android.

sources: electronicalliance.com / LEEM



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