Wishbone smart health connected Thermometer Raises Over $ 160,000 On Kickstarter


Wishbone, a smart health connected thermometer plugged into the jack of his smartphone, has managed to raise more than $ 150,000 on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter.

Launched about a month ago, Wishbone is a thermometer in the shape of a rain stickor from Parrot Flower Power– which you attach to your smartphone via the jack to take the temperature of an infant.

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The technique of remote temperature measurement used by Wishbone consists in bringing the sensor closer than 5 cm from the baby's head to allow on-board infrared technology to measure body temperature in less than 2 seconds and with a reliability of about 0.2 °.

It seems that young parents are therefore rushed on this clever accessory, knowing that it takes at least 30 seconds in general to accurately measure the temperature of an adult, and more with a child who stirs. Obviously, this idea is not completely new, other players offer equivalent solutions like BlueMaestro, Scio, the FeverSmart sensor or even the thermometer from Bewell Connect.

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Anyway, all the information collected can be sent to a mobile app for iOS and Android in order to be displayed in graphical form and analyzed by you or your doctor. Who knows, soon smart health connected objects could even be reimbursed by the Social Security! With the Wishbone thermometer, what is certain is that the user has a simple and practical tool to follow the evolution of his temperature over time. He will only need to go to consult if his condition does not improve …

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The Wishbone smart health connected thermometer should be available from May 2015, unless its success causes it a few months of delay … Indeed, its attractive price, around 21 €, was able to seduce over 3,600 parents on Kickstarter… enough to make the team sweat eurs




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