Wilson announces first smart health connected basketball


A few hours before the NCAA final, Wilson took the opportunity to announce the release in 2014 of a smart basketball that will allow basketball players to capture relevant data.

After the tennis racket smart health connected by Babolat, the equipment supplier Wilson comes with a smart health connected basketball. A ball specialist, he has developed with SportIQ (a Finnish company specializing in data collection) a solution capable of helping basketball players to monitoring their performance. After a field session, the basketball player can retrieve information on his smartphone (an iPhone is used in the demonstration ehealth …) which will be directly smart health connected to the ball. In particular, he may obtain various statistics about the game like its address, the time it takes to shoot, or the places on the field where his shot is most effective.

Wilson wants to revolutionize the technical approach of basketball players

Last night, just before the final of the NCAA (American basketball university championship) which finally saw the University of Connecticut be sacred, Wilson took the opportunity to announce the release of this revolutionary ball on which a development team has worked for almost 2 years. The objective? Helping players work on their “current” performance rather than on the “felt” performance, says Tom Gruger, VP in charge of digital at Wilson.

Wilson: connected basketball
Wilson app overview

If Wilson is still vague on the release date of the Smart basketball, she is announced for the end of 2014. Only a registration form is available on their dedicated balloon page. Do not hesitate to consult Stuffi.com regularly for the latest news on this smart health connected basketball!

Presentation ehealth of the Wilson smart health connected balloon:

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gzgqFwUaF4 (/ embed)

Official site : Wilson.com/smart


 AB Smart Health


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