which food supplement to choose?

Are you deficient in magnesium or does your doctor suspect a deficiency? Let's see what to do and what supplements to take in these cases.

The deficiency in magnesium is one of the deficiencies the most underrated. To avoid this, it is, of course, necessary to adopt a balanced diet, rich in foods containing magnesium such as green vegetables, oilseeds, the banana or chocolate (in moderation). We must also take care to avoid cigarettes and too intense activities if we lack magnesium. Nevertheless, there are food supplements which also make it possible to fill our lack. This can be interesting if you are chronically deficient in magnesium, if you are a smoker (in addition to trying to quit smoking) or if you practice a sport assiduously and intensely. Let's see when should we supplement with magnesium, which supplement and which dosage to choose?

When should magnesium be supplemented?

Magnesium supplementation can be done when you are deficient. To verify this, it is enough to be prescribed a dosage serum magnesium by his attending physician. Nevertheless, symptoms characteristics (intense and lasting fatigue, stress intense and lasting, cramps, etc.) and a diet low in magnesium indicate that the diagnostic deficiency without making screening systematic. In any case, it should be discussed with your doctor or with a doctor-nutritionist. Consulting a nutritionist to rebalance your diet and include foods rich in magnesium in your diet can also be a good idea.

Which dietary supplement and which dosage to choose?

In the world of food supplements, this is often shambles. There are a multitude of them and you never know if they are really useful and which ones to choose. Ideally, to get an idea, you have to look at what the state of the art says (all of the scientific literature) regarding magnesium supplements and their absorption and not trust futile marketing arguments like "natural", "organic", " energy found in less than 48 hours ”, etc.

On closer inspection, it seems fault turn to supplements that contain enough magnesium but are also absorbed properly by the gut. Indeed, some highly concentrated magnesium salts contain a lot of magnesium but the latter is very poorly absorbed via our gut wall. Taking it is a bit like, according to the saying, " pissing on a violin " In the current state of knowledge, it is liposomal magnesium, like the one proposed by Nutri & Co for example, which guarantees optimum content and absorption. The dosage is usually indicated by the manufacturer, however seek advice from a nutritionist.

What you must remember

  • Magnesium deficiency is a largely underestimated phenomenon.
  • It is necessary to supplement oneself if one is deficient or if one presents characteristic symptoms coupled with risk factors.
  • Liposomal magnesium currently appears to be among the best supplements available on the market.

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