when the joint becomes an e-joint

As electronic cigarette stores continue to open every day, a Dutch company has just launched its first electronic seal.

E-NJoint: an electronic joint

This company based in the Netherlands had the idea to market a electronic seal which does not diffuse THC (psychotropic substance found in cannabis).

The object was designed so that the objectend of the e-seal lights up with each puff of the user. In addition it is possible to choose from six fruity scents.

The company that currently produces more than 10,000 copies a day, all for sale in Europe, is in negotiations with a cannabis supplier “in order to ability to transform concepts into health products".

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An idea already exploited before

Dutch society was not the first to have had this idea. Indeed, different sites (more specifically blogs) present tips for change the composition of e-liquids and so transform her E-Cigarette attached. American companies such as Cannabee even go so far as to sell e-liquids containing cannabidiol (a component of cannabis).

Different models offered

This e-joint is available in three models:

The first, already available, does not contain no tobacco, nicotine and cannabis. This qualified e-seal 'Harmless' by the manufacturer is totally legal in France.

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The two others models, meanwhile, cannot be sold in France because they contain either a cannabis-based liquid or real dried herbs. And the user decides for himself how much he wants to put in his e-joint.

A question of legislation

It is worth remembering that the consumption of cannabis is completely illegal in France. The risks involved are of a year imprisonment and a fine of 3,750 euros (Article L3421-1 of the Public Health Code). However, the legislation says nothing about the consumption of cannabis-scented e-liquids.

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The launch of this e-joint reopens the debate concerning the legalization of cannabis in France.

It should be noted that our country is the most repressive in Europe with regard to the consumption of this drug. Rather ironic when you know that France is the first consumer in Europe.

Sources: nouvelleobs.com/lefigaro.com


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