Coconut milk is obtained by mixing pulp of coconut grated with boiling water. It is in fact rich in lipids and water, fiber, vitamins – essentially B3 and B9 however – and in minerals and trace elements — of iron, of magnesium, of phosphorus or copper especially. On the other hand, he is poor carbohydrates and in proteins. It also contains significantly,lauric acid.
It is the latter which gives it antiviral properties, antifungal and antibacterial. And even if it is a saturated fatty acid – this is also found in the breastmilk -, its effect on the rate of cholesterol seems rather favorable. Coconut milk also has an action againsthypertension and the stress. And it helps strengthen the bones and preserve theelasticity skin.
Note also that the origin of the coconut palm remains unclear. Maybe Southeast Asia. And it is thanks to the fact that the coconut can float on the water that it was able to colonize, first, the coasts of many tropical countries before being adopted by most of the regions located between the tropics.
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