what innovations in health?


E-health was well represented in the 2024 edition of Viva Technology with many French and international start-ups, and many announcements. Let's explore the start-ups and main e-health announcements.

Novartis launches its first European digital innovation laboratory in France

During a keynote on the Viva Technology scene, Novartis CEO Vas Narasimhan announced that Novartis had chosen France to deploy its first digital innovation laboratory in Europe, Biome Paris, after having launched the first Biome in San Francisco in November 2018. Biome Paris is a catalyst that will provide concrete solutions for patients, by combining technology, data and science. Biome Paris will allow Novartis to provide concrete solutions to patients by working closely with players in the digital ecosystem both in France and internationally. Partnerships and cooperation with companies ranging from start-ups to mature companies in the sector will also allow Novartis employees to explore new agile methodologies to accelerate project development.

AP-HP plans to use drones to deliver medical samples between hospitals

After a call for expressions of interest launched in 2017, the AP-HP announced that it has retained the companies Atos and Azur Drones to develop a project to deliver medical samples by drones. For the AP-HP, the use of drones must be considered in parallel with the construction of the future hospital complex so that it is not “out of date, once built”, said Olivier Savin, director of information systems Paris-Nord university hospitals. Logistics, drone landing zone or even training of teams in handling drones, the AP-HP has yet to frame the implementation of this technology. Experiments are planned by the end of the year

Tech4Health: an experiential and immersive journey by Sanofi

Just like the life cycle of the drug, Sanofi offered an interactive and immersive visit route on its # Tech4Healt stand around several universes: Innovate, Produce, Offer, Support. The objective for Sanofi was to celebrate innovation, meet stakeholders, and allow everyone to understand how new digital technologies are revolutionizing the pharmaceutical industry, at all stages of the life of the drug, from research & development to available for patients in France and worldwide. A Hackathon was in partnership with Cegedim and IBM where a hundred hackers were challenged to facilitate the practice of health professionals and improve the care provided to patients suffering from cardio-metabolic diseases.

Microsoft Introduces French Version of Seeing AI Application for the Blind

On the occasion of Viva Technology, Microsoft announces the upcoming launch of its application for blind and partially sighted people Seeing AI in French. Seeing AI allows you to describe the environment to blind and partially sighted people to help them better understand it. Concretely, she comments on the direct environment through the smartphone camera. We direct it towards a specific object whose characteristic we want to know, or scan the space to hear a description of what surrounds us. You can read text on the phone’s camera or on a document, such as a brochure.

URGOnight: brain training solution to relearn how to sleep

URGONight uses an electroencephalographic measurement system (EEG) and personalized brain training exercises on a mobile application to learn how to regain quality sleep. Developed with neuroscientists and sleep experts, URGONight uses the Neurofeedback technique, which was previously only available in sleep clinics and research.

SMD Teach Wear: a smart health connected garment to prevent back pain

Teach Wear is a garment under development for the prevention of back pain. Today, many patients are sent health home after back operations. Teach Wear wants to work hand in hand with hospitals to allow patients to be monitored remotely by their doctor. Thus, the Teach Wear would instantly send data to the doctor when the wearer experiences pain. This wearable will also be deployed in the corporate world and may correlate back pain with work schedules. Integrated into Microsoft’s ShareAI project, the company collaborates with hospitals in Paris, but also with a space laboratory, LATMOS.

A panel of e-health start-ups serving patients and healthcare professionals

Difficult to be exhaustive concerning the e-health start-ups presented at Viva Technology where there were around fifty on different stands (Sanofi, La Poste, Orange, Microsoft, BNP …). Here are some examples of interesting start-ups:

Incepto presents itself as an "IA Store" for radiologists. The start-up publishes an application co-creation platform with artificial intelligence (AI) for radiology and distributes already existing solutions. Incepto's ambition is to enable radiology teams, clinicians and their patients in Europe to fully exploit the potential of artificial intelligence applications.

Visible Patient is a device that allows doctors to have the patient's 3D medical clone in front of them, before the operation. From scanners or MRI, the company models the patient's organs to be operated in 3D and reconstructs each anatomical or pathological structure. Thanks to preoperative simulation software, the practitioner can plan and visualize the surgical procedure adapted to his anatomy, thus avoiding therapeutic errors. The device, founded at the Research Institute against Cancers of the Digestive System (Ircad) in Strasbourg, is currently present in 24 hospitals and more than 3,000 patients have already benefited from this system.

Kairntech uses techniques based on AI and machine learning with the aim of helping to structure data provided by patients in order to provide a structured documentation conducive to expertise. The raw data is thus enriched and transformed into learning data that can be used by an expert or an artificial intelligence solution that can generate a large-scale model of diagnostic assistance.

TheraPanacea is from the research laboratories of Inria and CentraleSupélec, which is at the crossroads of research in applied mathematics, statistical learning and high performance scientific computing. It develops and markets a new generation of software for radiation oncology. Used in radiotherapy, its solutions support the planning, preparation and execution of treatments with artificial intelligence technologies that allow more effective treatment, a reduction in side effects and increased operational efficiency.

AnatoScope offers personalized avatars used to simulate digital treatments, to optimize them before presenting them and applying them to the patient. They are also used to visualize, quantify movements, and produce orthoses in 3D printing. While doctors could only imagine the body in motion, the anatomical avatar now allows the optimization of treatments before their application. Anatoscope builds the anatomical avatar of a patient by combining a canonical avatar (3D model) with the medical images of the patient (MRI, radiology, scanner, etc.).

MoovCare is an application dedicated to supporting patients with lung cancer. “With Moovcare, patients fill out a questionnaire covering 12 symptoms every week. The algorithm then filters these responses and sends a message to the medical team in the event of a suspected relapse, a complication such as a pulmonary embolism or drug toxicity ", describes Dr. Fabrice Denis, cancer therapist at the Jean-Bernard Institute (Le Mans).

iHeartWatch is a smart health connected watch that detects heart abnormalities and helps to alert loved ones and health services. This smart smart health connected watch triggers timed alerts in the event of detection of signs of intense stress such as for example the surge in blood pressure and the accelerating pulse and many other parameters with the objective of detecting the premonitory signs of infarction or stroke.

Sources: Tic Santé, Usine Digitale, ABsmarthealth


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