What are the symptoms of a twin pregnancy?

A twin pregnancy can cause as many changes in a woman's body as a pregnancy in a single fetus. So how do you detect a twin pregnancy? And what are the effects on the body of the pregnant woman?

The pregnancy twin is considered to be at risk, as it requires further medical monitoring. Indeed, the pressure, the blood sugar, the weight and the pain must be watched very closely.

There are 2 types of twin pregnancies:

  • Dizygote: result of the fertilization of two ova by two sperm different. Both embryos develop independently, giving rise to "false twins".
  • Monozygote: result of fertilization of a single ovum. We then speak of "true twins "

What are the symptoms of twin pregnancy?

Classic symptoms of pregnancy, intensified

A conventional pregnancy, of a single embryo, can cause symptomssuch as nausea, drowsiness , fatigue, breast pain, or abdominal pain.
The pregnancy twin causes these same symptoms, more intensely. Fatigue is particularly much greater in women pregnant with twins. In order to avoid premature birth, it is advisable to anticipate maternity leave for these women.

Belly size

Women 12 weeks or older may have a abdomenmore prominent due to the size of theuterus , which lengthens more than for conventional pregnancies. However, a woman who has already given birth may have a belly that swells faster, her body recognizing the mechanism. It is therefore a symptom not to be considered alone.

The level of hormone HCG in the blood

Thehormone HCG is produced when a woman is pregnant and her blood level is measured to diagnose pregnancy. Grids exist to assess the number of weeks of pregnancy based on the HCG level. In the case of a twin pregnancy, the HCG level may be slightly higher.

Increased pressure in pregnant women

In the body of a woman pregnant with twins, the blood circulation also undergoes a more significant change than in the case of a conventional pregnancy. With l'irrigation of two placentasinstead of one, the blood must permeate more vessels and therefore circulation increases. This can lead to increased pressure. Thus, during twin pregnancies, the normal pressure is regularly exceeded.

The weight of the woman

The woman's weight can also indicate that it is a twin pregnancy. In general, a woman who is expecting two or more babies tends to gain weight much faster than other pregnant women.
However, some organisms may respond differently to twin pregnancies by hosting two babies without particularly large bellies. This can happen because babies are not very tall, or because of the biotype of the pregnant woman and the father of the babies. The important thing for everything to go well is that they gain weight correctly and continuously.

How to detect twin pregnancy?

The only safe way to detect a twin pregnancy is toultrasound, but even this one is prone to errors if it is practiced too early in the pregnancy. A twin pregnancy can be detected from the 8th week by ultrasound , where the two embryos can be viewed. Then, it is recommended to carry out this examination at least every 3 months, according to the doctor's advice.

Finally, thedeliverywomen who have a twin pregnancy can frequently happen before 40 weeks.

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