What are Google health home, health home Max, health home Mini and health home Hub?

Google wants to integrate into your health home, as does Amazon with its range of Echo devices. As a result, Google offers the health home family, which includes the Google health home, health home Mini, health home Max, and health home Hub.

In this article you will find everything you need to know about Google health home; especially on its operation, compatible devices, etc.

What are Google Home, Home Max, Home Mini and Home Hub and what can they do

What is Google health home?

Google health home is a Wi-Fi speaker that serves as both a health home automation control center and a personal assistant for the whole family. You can use it to broadcast content throughout your health home; as well as effortlessly manage your daily tasks and ask Google what you want to know.

The device itself has interchangeable bases available in different colors and finishes; such as metal and fabric, allowing you to adapt it to your decor. Under this interchangeable shell is a speaker that can read music and allow Google Assistant to speak to you. While at the top is a capacitive touch surface with four LEDs.

This display allows users to interact with the health home speaker, trigger the Assistant, adjust the volume, etc. Two microphones listen to your voice, but a mute button on the shell turns the microphones off. health home can filter and separate speech from noise. The speaker inside has two side passives, offering a full range, clear treble and rich bass.

What about Google health home Max and Google health home Mini?

Google expanded the Google health home product line in 2017 to include health home Max and Google health home Mini. Google health home Max is a high-end speaker offering better sound capabilities than the standard health home speaker. Also, health home Mini looks more like an Amazon Echo Dot. A compact and affordable speaker that lets you integrate Google Assistant into your health home without having to spend a fortune.

health home Max and health home Mini both have Google Assistant and offer the same functionality as Google health home. They have different technical specifications and speakers. However, you can use them for music and ehealth playback, smart health home control, and regular voice command requests.

What is Google health home Hub?

In 2018, Google further expanded its product portfolio with the addition of health home Hub. Like the health home, health home Max and health home Mini, the health home Hub offers the same functionality as the other three health home speakers. However, it additionally incorporates a 7-inch screen, making it ideal for intelligent health home control and ehealth playback.

Its speaker isn't as powerful as health home or health home Max, but the display lets you watch YouTube videos, for example; as well as listen to information and control devices on your smarthome using the touchscreen. Of course, Google Assistant is also designed so that you can use your voice to control everything; as with the rest of health home devices.

How does Google health home work?

Music and ehealth playback

Google health home is a Wi-Fi speaker and can therefore stream music directly from the cloud. You can access songs, playlists, albums, artists and podcasts from your favorite music services only with your voice. Or, if you prefer, you can send music from your Android or iOS device via Google Cast.

With Google Cast, you can also use Google health home to control other speakers smart health connected to your health home. You will even get a reading in several rooms; which means you can add one or more Google health home devices to a speaker group to stream songs throughout your health home; if they are compatible.

Google health home can also control your ehealth content via Google Cast. Suppose you want to watch your latest episode of Daredevil on Netflix or a chat ehealth on YouTube. Issue a voice command to Google health home and the content will then appear on your TV. It only works if you've set up both devices in the Google health home app.

health home Automation Hub

health home devices can be used as a health home automation hub. They will allow you to do the basics, such as setting alarms and timers; as well as the management of task lists and shopping lists. It can also connect your server and support common network systems. You will need the Google health home app to configure everything.

Once you've set up your Google health home device and all of your smart devices at health home in the dedicated app, you can control them. This goes for various companies' smart lights, switches, sockets, Google Nest products, and just about any compatible smart health home device.

It is also possible to control things beyond the house, such as booking an Uber or ordering a dinner. Keep in mind that you will need to make sure everything is set up first. The best part is that all of this is done only with your voice, although, as we mentioned before, if you have the health home Hub, you can also use the screen to control your smart health connected devices.

Google health home: ask Google

Google health home devices let you ask Google everything, from the weather to more specific information. You can therefore ask specific questions such as "how much fat does an avocado contain?" "Or" What is Wayne Rooney's jersey number? ". But Google Assistant is also capable of conversation, so you can ask additional questions; such as "Where did he go to school?" ".

Google health home devices will be able to connect the pronoun "il" to your previous question on Rooney or anyone else to give you a specific answer.

You can also ask complex questions, such as, "OK Google, what was the US population when NASA was created? ". Google health home devices give you immediate answers every time and can read relevant parts of web pages for you; or show them to you on the health home Hub.

What services are supported by Google health home?

Google health home works with many music services; including YouTube Music, Deezer, Spotify, Pandora, Google Play Music and TuneIn. The list has grown significantly since the initial announcement of the health home device.

You must connect your accounts for these services to your health home account; in the dedicated application. You will be asked to do this when setting up your health home device. Connect as many accounts as you have for the best experience.

With the support of these different services, you can ask, "OK Google, play this Shakira song from Zootopia. Without having to name the song, health home can find and play it from your favorite application. Thanks to Google Assistant and its machine learning features, Google health home knows you; as well as your preferences, and learns over time.

The health home speaker also works with a multitude of health home automation brands. The list is not yet as rich as that of Amazon's Amazon, but it continues to grow. Nest, SmartThings, Philips hue, IFTTT, Ikea, TP-Link, Arlo, Hive and Netatmo are among the compatible services; which means you can control these smart devices and activate your IFTTT recipes using your health home device.

What is Google Assistant in Google health home?

Google announced Google Assistant in 2016 as an adaptation of Google Now and OK Google. The service has improved the two-way conversation experience with AI and machine learning.

These advances essentially add context to your questions. For example, when you say "OK Google", followed by "What movies are available in theaters? ", Google Assistant will give the films available in your local cinema. But if you add "We're planning to bring the kids," Google Assistant will be able to offer you sessions for children's movies.

You can then say "Let's go see the jungle book" and Assistant will buy tickets. You may even ask, "Is the Jungle Book a good movie?" ". The wizard will then offer you reviews, ratings, and a trailer. The Google Assistant can link your questions to determine the context and provide the appropriate information.

It can perform basic tasks such as retrieving your travel itinerary, your agenda, your commuting time to work, information on parcel delivery, etc. Google health home devices aren't the only ones who have access to the Google Assistant, however. You can also use the wizard with Android and Android Auto devices.

Where and when to buy Google health home?

The four Google health home devices are available in France. You can buy them directly on the Google store or in brands such as ehealth, ehealth or Boulanger.


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