Walnut health benefits nutrition facts

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The walnut is also delicious chewable bundled with all your recipes, sweet and savory, to which he brings a tasty and crunchy touch. His generosity is also found in its flesh, rich in fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, to fuel energy.

A nut weighs ten grams. Her hull, more or less hard, covers a fruit with slightly bitter and crunchy texture.

From a high calorie intake, the nut is packed with essential fatty acids. It also provides fiber and nutrients. Remember to chew a small handle to full vitality.

Nature, walnuts is delicious and crunches under the tooth. Cooked or cooked, it brings to recipes its light and delicate flavor.

The nut is a fruit of the fall par excellence.

Once is not custom, it is not so much your eyes, but your ears that will allow you to select the best nuts. Under his strong tunes, the fruit is delicate when it is not dried: it keeps you cool and must be consumed quickly. Dry nuts keeps longer in the air.


To select the tasty nut kernels fleshy, simply … to approach them to your ear and shake! Eliminate all those in which you hear the fruit move into its shell: it means it is parched.


The nuts conservation mode depends on their maturity:

Store it in the refrigerator crisper and consume it quickly (within 24 to 48 hours) so that it retains its flavor.

Conversely, do not store dry walnuts cool … they would lose their taste!


Here are some cooking tips for enjoying the warm nuts:

July-October min in the oven to roast, develop their aroma and crisp.

5 min in the pan or wok, fried to decorate a dish of vegetables and meat.

Walnut health benefits nutrition facts

Calories (kcal per 100 g)           688

Proteins (g per 100 g)                14.7

Carbohydrate (g per 100 g)       10.8

Lipids (g per 100 g)                    63.8


Vitamin B9 (micrograms )           135

Vitamin E (mg per 100 g)            3.54


Potassium (mg per 100 g)          525

Phosphorus (mg per 100 g)        384

Trace elements

Iodine (micrograms per 100 g)    4.5

Iron (mg per 100 g)                        2.6

Click here to read more about Chinese food recipes

Walnut health benefits source:http://www.jk51.com/uploads/allimg/c120531/133T411535F-26153.jpg

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