Turn your knees into a sledge!


It may take a while for winter to arrive this year, but snow has finally settled. So what would you say this year, to put aside the classic skis and snowboards, and go tobogganing with this new wearable? Divided into two parts, this sledge called Sled Legs attaches independently to each of your knees.

Sled Legs, an innovative luge concept, aiming to offer total freedom of movement at all levels

sled legs

Another amazing project launched on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo. This sledge will interest fans of snow, gliding and thrills. A little different from the classic sleds that we are used to seeing and using, this concept was developed to allow the most effective freedom of movement.

The advantage of this sledge is thatit attaches to each of your knees. So you can stand, walk, slide, and all without touching this installation.

freedom of movement of sled legs

Visualize yourself in a dream setting, at once white, green and sunny. In front of you is a slope, neither too steep, nor not enough. Run and jump on your knees. You just have to slide to the end of the track!

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb9X-kwrub0 (/ embed)


 AB Smart Health


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