Total Gym FIT Home Gym Total Gym discount

Total Gym
1599.95 USD Get This Deal

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The NEW Total Gym FIT home gym is a fun, fast and effective way to get fit and stay in shape! With over 85 exercises, you can get a total body workout in as little as 10 to 20 minutes a day. Each Total Gym FIT comes with an upgraded squat stand, twice the resistance levels, wing attachment, ergonomic glide board and leg pull accessory. Take your workout to the next level with our best-selling Total Gym AbCrunch accessory and complete 6 DVD workout library and workout tools, all at no additional cost. Each model is delivered to your home fully assembled and is easy to fold and store.


The Total Gym provides an entire gym full of equipment in 1 machine and is great for all demographics-ages 8-80 and from beginner to advanced fitness levels.

Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley have been endorsing Total Gym on television for over 120 years.

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Total Gym FIT Home Gym  Total Gym discount
Total Gym FIT Home Gym Total Gym discount
1599.95 USD

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