top innovations for the road to the future Best smart health innovation

Today, automotive innovations keep coming, but what about the road itself? After cars, the roads should be smart. After the Smart cars, the Smart road!

This Smart road is the result of intensive collaboration between the builder and developer Heijmans and the designer Daan Roosegaarde. The key themes: sustainability and security.

1 – Smart road, light marking

top innovations for the road to the future
 Best smart health innovation

For this innovation, the economy is a great point. Rather than using overhead lights like street lights to cover many miles, this one is on the ground. This is made possible thanks to paint with which lines are drawn along the road and containing a luminous powder. The material recharges during the day with the natural brightness of the sun and produces green light bands once night falls. Making 500 meters each they can shine for 8 hours.

2 – Smart road, interactive lights

Smart road

It’s sort of a more elaborate version of luminous paint, a system that would equip roads with few passes. Light sensors will be placed on both sides of the road, will light up when they detect a car and will slowly decrease before going out.

3 – Smart road, dynamic painting

Smart road

This form of painting would be visible or not depending on the temperature. When it is cold enough for ice or other hazards to appear, the paints become visible, warning drivers.

4 – Smart road, light and wind

Smart road

Unlike interactive lights, wind lights operate independently thanks to the electricity produced by the wind and the air current created by the passage of cars. They would normally be located along a stretch of road.

5 – Smart road, a way to recharge

Smart road

An interesting idea, for electric vehicles this time. The same idea was stated earlier this year. It would be enough to drive on this right lane to reload his vehicle thanks to the magnetic tapes present.

6 – Smart road, the solar road

Smart road

After the paint capable of loading in brightness thanks to the sun's rays, the rsolar cells are a project that was born on the Indiegogo platform. The objective? Install solar panels on glass roads incorporating LEDs and microprocessors. Glass is renewable, environmentally friendly, and its strength can be improved to be even stronger than steel. We can ride on these glass roads as on normal roads and they can even melt snow in winter. The solar energy stored would contribute to the reserves of electricity.

7 – Smart road, the cyclist detector

This smart road technology makes cycling safer in the city.

Heijmans BikeScout is an intelligent system which identifies approaching cyclists and calculates their speed. The information is then displayed on the road using LEDs so that motorists can read it. This makes cohabitation between cars and bikes both simpler and more secure.

8 – Smart road, solar noise barriers

One km from these barriers provides enough energy to supply 50 homes with electricity for a year.

The idea is simple: provide noise barriers on high-speed roads with solar panels. Still in the planning stage, this technology has already proven its value because a single kilometer of solar noise barrier would provide electricity for 50 homes for a year, or to provide enough energy for a car to travel 900,000 km.


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