This smart contact lens alerts you to high blood sugar

A team of Korean scientists has developed a smart contact lens that alerts the wearer when their blood sugar exceeds a certain threshold.

Researchers shared their discovery in an article in the journal Science Advances (via the TechXplore site). They explain how they designed, manufactured and tested this device which uses a LED to notify its owner.

A smart contact lens to help diabetics

Currently, to know the level of glucose in your blood, you usually take a drop of it which will be analyzed by a special measuring device. If the procedure is not very painful, many diabetics would prefer a less invasive and complex alternative.

The invention of our Korean team meets this demand. So their smart contact lens has a Miniature LED. It stays on as long as the blood glucose level is normal, but goes out as soon as it is too high. For now, scientists have named their invention " wireless smart contact lens (Wireless smart contact lens). In order not to dry out the eye, the device uses the continuous secretion of tears by the body.

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An ingenious manufacturing method

With an object of such finesse, the researchers used advanced printing techniques to integrate the necessary circuits, a supercapacitor and the LED. In addition, they printed the circuits and the supercapacitor in the same transparent material as the smart contact lens so as not to obstruct the view.

This configuration also allows remotely charge the device. So there is one less reason to remove them. The rest of the lens is identical to those found on the market. In all cases, only the LED is therefore visible to the wearer.

Researchers tested the object on rabbits who showed no sign of embarrassment. For its part, the LED worked as expected, going out when an animal suffered from hyperglycemia.

Sources & credits
Source: – Credit: Image: Jang-Ung Park, Yonsei University


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