The Withings Activity Pop available for pre-order!


The news just came : the Withings Pop Activity is now . At the crossroads between an activity sensor and a smart health connected watch, the latest French company Withings has been widely talked about after its formalization, at CES 2015.

It must be emphasized that if you order today the Pop Activity you will receive it in preview, even though the manufacturer is already announcing limited quantities for the launch. We remember when a few months ago, the stocks of the more upscale model, the Withings Activity, were sold in just a few minutes. So if you want to take advantage of this new watch / activity tracker, announced as THE next benchmark in the field, it is better not to hang around!

Why is the Withings Activity Pop so popular?

What makes the Withings Activity Pop already a real success? Unlike what is currently on the market, this is a physical activity sensor that finally looks like a designer watch. Admittedly, it is made of less noble materials than the Activity (which costs 390 € …), but it will be worn very discreetly on all wrists, men and women. It will directly compete with a good standing Swatch watch.

In terms of technical characteristics, the Pop Activity is capable of measure the number of steps, calories burned or sleep. She is waterproof up to 30 meters (practical for swimmers), and provides an autonomy of 8 months. When we know that most sensors are not really waterproof today and that they generally last a week, it is therefore a nice performance for the Made in France smart health connected watch. Three colors are already available: blue, sand and black. Other colors will arrive later, it will be necessary to wait several more months for this. Once again, if you want to be one of the early adopters, you have to be very quick!

Colors Pop Withings Activity


  • If you live in France, you will receive your Pop Activity between January 21 and January 25, 2015, before the official release scheduled for early February 2015 in France.
  • If you live in Belgium or Switzerland, you will receive your Pop Activity between January 28 and February 10, 2015, before the official release scheduled for early March 2015 in your country.


 AB Smart Health


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