The smart health connected electronic cigarette

If the electronic cigarette has entered the market for only a few years, it risks being dethroned by the smart health connected version electronic cigarette. But what are the real benefits of such technology integrated into your cigarette? Zoom….

The electronic cigarette and how it works

Although it is no longer to be presented for many smokers, let us briefly recall what is the electronic cigarette also called "vaping". (cf. smart health connected electronic cigarette)
Fueled by e-liquid, which, when brought to 50 degrees turns into vapor, the electronic cigarette is therefore an electric object allowing to imitate the act of smoking. Yet we no longer speak of smoking but of "vaping". Supposed to limit toxic and / or carcinogenic substances such as tar, the electronic cigarette goes even further since it allows smoking (vaping) without nicotine.
If it presents itself as a very good intermediate way to quit smoking, it must unfortunately be recognized that it has also made many followers among people who were not smokers at the base …
Indeed the e-liquids being flavored, it also pleased the youngest and non-smokers, since the characteristic smell of classic tobacco does not bother them.

The electronic and smart health connected cigarette

Proposed on the market by several manufacturers therefore the French MyVaps and Smokio, smart health connected electronic cigarettes will communicate to your smartphone of the news as for your vaping habits
Synchronized with your smartphone (currently only on iOS, compatibility with Android planned for later this year), you will be able to monitoring your consumption visually and in real time. The idea is to be able toauto-measure in order to be able tojust consumption (and eventually quit smoking?).

Price information

smart health connected e-cigarettes are expected later this year. Offered at a price of about 80/90 euros, the smart health connected cigarette will cost you a little more than in its simple electronic version, since you can now find models on the market around 40 euros. MyVaps will offer a system that adapts to your e-cigarette (so no need to buy a new model) for an unbeatable price, less than 50 euros.

Vaping and legislation

The question that remains regarding the e-cigarette is its use in public places. Indeed, many people, considering this act as "vaping" and no longer like smoking, sort of the subject of the offense in public places. However, it seems that it is subject to the same regulations as conventional cigarettes, that is to say prohibited in public places.
Which should not be surprising since the watchword is now to fight passive smoking, in whatever form.
However, the law remains very vague on the issue and it is often necessary to comply with the internal rules of the company, which can prohibit such practices.
So educate yourself well before taking out your e-cigarette at your workplace or elsewhere.

In conclusion, the e-cigarette has not finished talking about it, even more so in its smart health connected version in 2014.
And you, will you be tempted by the smart health connected e-cigarette?


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