the smart health connected air sensor that fits in the pocket.

You are certainly starting to know my ecological sensitivity. I therefore do not miss an opportunity to present the smart health connected objects who have a connection more or less direct with the environment. Here is a little revolution in the making. You will certainly have heard of air pollution …‘Indoor air which is sometimes more polluted thanoutside air… You also know figures of the air quality proposed by Atmo or Air Parif … Figures subject to controversy, believe my years of ecology practice …

Take a simple example … In Paris, one of the most polluted cities in France … While pollution is visible to the naked eye… that it stings our eyes and makes us cough … The alert threshold has not been reached! Find the mistake ! The error, it is simple … It is the government through its health authorities which fixes the thresholds … And they are set high enough to be rarely reached … the dice are therefore loaded "at the base". the Atmo and Air Parif figures are therefore of little use. Please note: air pollution kills 40,000 people recognized each year in France. So ?!? What is criticized is the lack of independence of the measures …

A miniaturized sensor

Well then … the real revolution is what we are going to offer TZOA with his hyper miniaturized atmospheric sensor. A sensor so small thatit fits in the pocket. An autonomous station which will offer independent figures.

In the program :

  • Detection of fine particles (PM10, PM2.5) which make as their name indicates 10 and 2.5 microns. These are the most dangerous particles for health. They block the pores of our lungs, get into our blood, thicken it … And intoxicates us … even in our deepest chairs (liver, kidneys …)
  • This sensor also measures UV. Brightness is a result of air quality. You will have seen it for yourself … There are days brighter or more dazzling than others … And it is not necessarily because the weather is good. There, we indirectly calculate the effects on the skins.
  • humidity
  • The temperature
  • The light

These last three indices are indicators which already predominantly exist in smart health connected weather stations. I don't dwell on it.

Let’s go back to the revolutionary side of this invention… It’s also a safe bet that it will be decried when it is marketed, by the health organizations that set the ATM and Air Parif indices… These sensors will allow us to have independent air quality measurements, with your own measurements, our own limits … Once these numbers networked (what the app offers), we will "finally" have a whole new take on air quality. Another perception of our environment. And we will "finally" realize how stale the air we breathe is! So one of two things … Either atmo and Air parif disappear … Or they lower (forced and forced by these independent measures) the level of alert … for the good and health of all …

You will understand that l‘The economic stake is enormous.. because behind the atmospheric alerts hides a battery of measures that nobody seems ready to take. Alternating traffic… sanction against polluters .. Stopping factories… We will have to come one day.

In the meantime, what this on-board stationis to be aware of the quality of the air we breathe. If the area we are in turns red, you can always breathe elsewhere. If you are indoors, you can try to refresh the air by opening the window … But above all, as I said before, we will be able to network the numbers, thus creating a real interactive map of independent measurements.

From project to marketing

As you will have noticed on our site, smart health smart health connected object projects are blooming in all directions. They are practically all the fruit of start’up who design a prototype… Then obligatory passage by the box “financing” with a participative fundraising via Crowd founding which come to supplement the devices of assistance of the banks and the state. There we are on a Canadian start-up from Vancouver. Fundraising should be used as a lever to move into the large-scale production process.

On the Crowd Founding site, TZOA is seeking to raise $ 110,000 to raise $ 500,000 from investors with whom it has established contact. So hurry, there are only 30 hours left to complete the program. A little reminder .. If the sum is not reached, the sums are transferred to the participants. Right now, the start’up has raised $ 67,000

Access to crowd funding website:

The stages of miniaturization

Design tests

The final result

The application

Did you know ?

The most polluted city from France is Douai

The least polluted cities are Limoges, Le Mans, Angers, Saint-Brieuc and Rennes…

Figures published by WHO (World Health Organization)



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