Nuyu is the name of the new line of tracking devices from Health o Meter. Operating with an associated mobile application, the system also relies on the Nuyu Activity monitoring.
The Nuyu Activity monitoring allows you to track steps, calories burned, distance traveled and your sleep. It connects via Bluetooth to an application compatible with Android and iOS smartphones. The monitoring, available in eight different bracelet colors, costs $ 48 and can be worn on the wrist, belt or on your laces. It displays your statistics which are constantly updated on a large OLED screen. Its battery allows it to operate for four months on a single charge.
HoM also unveiled a wireless scale sold for $ 50. It will allow you to track your weight thanks to a history available on the mobile application but not your fat mass percentage; what the FitBit Aria offers.
Finally, HoM has also developed a 12-week training program that will include "daily tips, exercise demonstrations, nutrition tips, course lists and more. They will be offered for $ 20. The sleep tracker and coaching will be available on Amazon starting in October.