The miCoach Fit Smart available in August for € 199


The equipment supplier Adidas has just announced its sport smart health connected bracelet, the miCoach Fit Smart. It will be available mid-August, for € 199. Find all of its features below.

Certainly, Nike has announced that it has abandoned all hardware development in smart health connected wristbands, Adidas is doing everything else. To the miCoach range which notably includes the smart health connected soccer ball, it now adds the Fit Smart, a smart health connected bracelet dedicated to athletes.

Instantly see the effort made

Except that unlike its competitors Fitbit, Nike or Jawbone, the Fit Smart is not not intended to be worn throughout the day (which should please more than one …). It will not measure your daily steps or the quality of your sleep, but it will focus on your sport session. Adidas has also warned: it is not an "activity tracker", but rather a real sports coach, who is present by your side during your training. The Fit Smart from Adidas does not measure more than traditional smart health connected bracelets: calories, distance or heart rate, as the Pulse O2 already does for example.

The small advantage of this bracelet is that it is still possible to see instantly via a set of LEDs the intensity of the sporting effort : blue, green, yellow or red, the indicator adapts to the effort according to the heart rate. Since this one is specific to each, the Adidas Fit Smart needs an adjustment period beforehand.

Adidas Fit Smart, a real sports coach

It is precisely on this point that the equipment manufacturer wants to stand out: The Fit Smart is a real sports coach. In combination with the miCoach app, it includes more than a hundred possible training types. The latter is available on iOS and Android, and has been updated recently. You can set weekly goals such as ensuring x minutes on the 4 types of physical intensity available (i.e. the colors of the LEDs). It is also possible to set longer-term goals, such as races of 10km or more. And again, Fit Smart is able to determine based on your history your ability to achieve its objectives and thus adapts its advice.

"We're trying to put a fitness coach on everyone's wrist"

– Paul Gaudio, General Manager at Adidas

Note that Adidas was announced during Google I / O as one of the partners of the Google Fit platform. It would therefore not be surprising to see the data on this bracelet being among the first to be able to synchronize with the app.

A design between the Fuelband and the Fitbit

When it comes to design, we're at the intersection of the Fuelband and the Fitbit Flex. We find a LED display (rather a screen) like the Nike bracelet, and the bracelet is made of soft silicone. It will be available in two colors: black and white. To be honest, it's still less design than all its competitors. But in the end, it does not matter, it is not to be worn throughout the day … Besides, better is like that since the autonomy is only 10 hours. Data synchronization is done by Bluetooth Low Energy.

In terms of pricing, Adidas wants to stand out from the competition since it is (again) not a tracker like the others, but a sports coach: it will be sold for $ 199 / € 199 from August 17, 2014, or $ 50 / € more than the Jawbone UP24, a bracelet already considered high-end.


 AB Smart Health


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