the little tracker that can save lives

Here is the brand new tracker called LifeTip. The latter allows its user to be able to monitoring his state of health by monitoring his cardiac activity and to warn the emergency services in the event of an emergency.

The LifeTip tracker

LifeTip is a little triangular tracker smart health connected to a smartphone (IOS and Android) designed by the english start-up Pragmasystems. The object of a 3 months autonomy about, is placed at chest level and allows to track heart activity of an individual through small sensors in order to warn when an anomaly is detected. The objective being toaccelerate the arrival of help In case of problem.

On the other hand the tracker does not enter never in contact with the skin, which allowsavoid all risk of allergy.

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LifeTip can automatically alert emergencies in the event of a heart attack but also give directions on what to do (such as heart massage) to anyone who comes to your rescue.

The object, completely waterproof, is not only used when an accident has occurred. Indeed it establishes All day long your EKG and displays it through the app so you can detect any problems and see a specialist well before it is too late.

lifetip app

LifeTip doesn't just track your heart activity. Indeed it also monitors your body temperature, your emotional state or the way you stand.

It is also a activity tracker because also records calories burned or number of steps taken in the day. He may even send alerts on the smartphone if the user lacks physical activity.

All the data collected by LifeTip are then sent to the application who will represent them in the form of tables and other graphs.

One button, full of possibilities

The tracker, which works thanks to the Bluetooth Low Energy technology, possesses a button in the center which allows the user toperform certain actions on your smartphone without even touching it.

By pressing the button 1 time you will be able to take a picture, start / stop ehealth or publish your vital signs report on facebook.

Two presses will allow reject a call, activate silent mode, give your GPS position or even start / stop audio recording.

Finally 3 presses will allow you to ask for help by calling the emergencies or another number pre-configured.

For both sexes

LifeTip is available in 2 models : one for men and another for women.

The model for men is designed to attach on a t-shirt. It is offered in blue, black or red and yellow.

lifetip models

The model for women, meanwhile, is smaller since it is designed for cling to the bra. It is also available in different colors: red, blue and sky blue.

The fundraising campaign launched on July 13 on Indiegogo has so far only raised $ 16,289 (€ 12,000) out of the $ 65,000 (€ 48,500) required, but we hope that the objectives will be achieved. If all goes well LifeTip will be marketed in early 2015 at a price of $ 59 or € 44.



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