The iHealth smart health connected scale for regular synchronization

HS3 is an iHealth scale. Like his younger sister: the body analysis scale, the iHealth HS3 displays the weight and at the same time calculates the BMI of the person standing on his tray then enters this new data on the Ipad or Iphone of the latter placed within 5 meters around the scale.

The measurements can also be published on a facebook or twitter account of one of the profiles or sent directly by email to their doctor or nutritionist. Finally, the measurements can be converted into colored graphics in order to facilitate interpretation.

Do you have a connection failure at health home or your IOS device is not always available for synchronization? Do not panic, the memory of the iHealth HS3 balance can store data of the equivalence of 200 weighings. This data will load on your IOS devices on its own as soon as you are back on the network.

The users of the iHealth H3 are not limited as with some models of smart health connected scales. You can enter into the balance the profile of the whole family as you can also create for each of your friends, for your neighbors and even for your office colleagues since its elegant and portable design is intended to be carried everywhere.

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HS3 also fulfills a dietary function and allows its user to set goals over time such as the number of weights to lose in the current week for example without deviating too much from your BMI. Still in this sense, it is possible to calculate from the screen of the smart health connected scale of HS3, the number of calories to be distributed between the 3 meals of the day or the intensity and duration of what your activities should be. physical to be able to reach the quantity of calories concernnt your diet.

The HS3 scale works thanks to the iHealth MyVitals App which you can download and Review on the Apple store.

Finally, the iHealth HS3 has a life expectancy of 10,000 measurements, or 192 years if you are the only one working at health home and weighing yourself every week.


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