The Ginko Control patch: protect yourself from the waves!

The Ginko Control patch is a system allowing you to protect yourself from the electromagnetic waves that surround you every day by neutralizing them.

Presentation of the Ginko Control patch

The Ginko Control is a patch for the phone (also compatible with other smart health connected objects) who protects from electromagnetic waves. This patch, of French manufacture tested and approved by the CNRS, obtained the gold medal at the Lépine competition in 2008.

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The Principe of fonctionment

The Ginko Control patch simply sticks behind or below any device emitting electromagnetic waves.

It works according to the principle of 180 ° phase shift : the patch generates waves opposite to those emitted by a telephone, which results in a pollution reduction. (see the fundamental principle of physics: "The 180 ° phase-shifted waves are subtracted, so there is a subtraction of pollution.").

ginko wavelength

The Ginko Control patch thus neutralizes radio frequencies ranging from 450 MHZ to 12 GHZ depending on the model and therefore covers frequencies 4G, GPS signals and the frequencies of Satellite tv.

ginko frequency

The different models

The Ginko Control patch is already available in 3 sizes:

  • Ginko wifi (17mm in diameter): for wifi and bluetooth devices. 49.80 € pack of 2 patches.
  • Ginko phone (29 mm in diameter): for mobiles and smartphones. € 29.90 per unit and € 49.80 for the 2 patches.
  • Ginko tablet (57 mm in diameter): for computers and tablets. 34.90 € per unit.

ginko models

Unlike the Fazup, the Ginko Control patch is compatible with all phones and not only with an Iphone, BlackBerry, Nokia or Samsung. It would be foolish to deprive yourself of such a beneficial device for health.



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