"The FHF fund develops a vision of the health system in the medium and long term in order to guide decisions and actions. The future of the health system is invented in a collaborative and collective way and we are surrounded by partners institutional, industrial and the entire hospital and medico-social community to carry out these two studies ", explained on February 11 during a meeting with the press, Zaynab Riet, general delegate of the FHF.
"AI and more generally digital technologies are increasingly disrupting the health sector. To best support this complex transformation, we must have the capacity to understand it and anticipate its positive and negative effects", said declared the FHF in its press kit.
To meet this challenge, the FHF fund launched on 11 February a "global, scientific and multidisciplinary study on the different tasks carried out by more than 200 professions in the health sector", explained Enguerrand Habran.
The objective of this study is to provide a set of benchmarks and tools to pilot the transformation of professions and training in the health sector, in order to best support health establishments in their digital and organizational evolution.
For this, the fund has surrounded itself with three institutional and industrial partners: the mutual group MGEN (Vyv group), the cooperative bank of the public service Casden and the start-up specializing in health AI, Synapse Medicine.
The study will identify the various healthcare professions and collect the associated tasks in the existing professional standards. With the help of experts, the fund will also collect the various tasks that have not yet been referenced.
This complete census will first allow the authors of the study to "characterize" the various tasks of the health professions, via a reserved platform (www.iaetmetiersdelasante.com) and thus draw up a state-of-the-art technological guide anticipating technological developments over a prospective period of "3 to 7 years".
"These are 1.2 million people who can be potentially surveyed, we will analyze more than 241 health professions and more than 3,000 tasks. Concretely, there are 30 to 40 questions per task and the time required to characterize a task is 10 to 15 minutes, "said Enguerrand Habran.
This first stage of characterization must lead to the modeling of the impacts of different digital technologies on each task of each profession.
To achieve this modeling, the authors will rely on six axes of analysis: the typology of the task; the interdependence of the task; data and knowledge manipulated; the "acceptance" of individuals; risks and responsibilities; and the "quality / safety / time / cost" ratio.
The modeling must then allow the scheduling of the tasks and trades most impacted by the development of new technologies and from multidisciplinary reflections carried out on the impact of these digital transformations, benchmarks and management tools must be developed.
This study was, in fact, initiated in January 2018, with the construction of its analysis model "but it took two years of preparation to work and launch it," said the director of the FHF fund.
Officially launched on February 11, the presentation of the technological guide is announced for May 27 at the SantExpo fair and the presentation of the impacts of AI on a primary healthcare profession will be carried out in September 2023, at the universities of summer of the FHF. Other trades will be presented "from December 2023," said the FHF without giving further details.
"It is important to emphasize that this study is an observatory, so it is not limited in time because developments and new technologies will continue to transform the healthcare professions", noted Enguerrand Habran.
A second study, entitled "Health course, the wishes of users" was also presented on February 11 by the endowment fund of the FHF.
It should make it possible to focus on "demographic change, the chronicisation of diseases, new medical practices and the transformation of the institutionalized patient into an autonomous user," detailed Enguerrand Habran.
The survey, which will be officially launched on March 2 through the implementation of a characterization questionnaire, will focus on the profiles of users of the health system, their expectations and their respective health care paths.
Participants will have a specific website: lesouhaitdesusagers.com for this study carried out in partnership with the Nantes School of Design, the La Poste group and the company Happytal.