The Felix Smart Aquarium uses a 360-degree underwater webcam

The Felix smart aquarium is trying to do better than all smart health connected and smart aquariums currently available on the market.

Thus, the Felix aquarium offers buyers to add a 360-degree underwater webcam that allows them to view their fish via an application.

The Felix Smart Aquarium uses a 360-degree underwater webcam

In addition to this, heaters, lights, pumps, temperature sensors, pH meters or dosers can be plugged into the integrated power outlets and USB ports on the main Felix module. Depending on the model chosen, the number of inputs ranges from three sockets and two ports, up to eight sockets and six ports.

Using a custom iOS / Android app, users can then set up calendars to automate the operation of certain devices; such as lights and chargers. They can also use them manually remotely, if necessary.

The app also provides reminders for tasks such as changing the water or feeding. It also sends alerts when something is wrong; like drastic changes in water temperature or chemical composition.

Speaking of incidents, in the event of a power outage, an optional backup battery will keep all devices running for 36 hours.

But back to this optional panoramic underwater camera. It will record a 2560 x 1280 ehealth at 30 frames per second. By accessing this camera via the app, users will be able to see their fish. And thus know if they are fine even when they are not at health home. The designers are also working on a Health Cam feature based on artificial intelligence, intended to detect diseases.

Other features include compatibility with Siri, Alexa and Google health home. There is also an augmented reality feature in the app. It shows users how to best decorate their aquarium based on its size and shape.

If you're interested in the Felix Smart Aquarium, you can pre-order it on Indiegogo from $ 59. The Pro version is available for $ 245.

To find out more, go to the Indiegogo page of the project and watch the short ehealth below.

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