the DNS presents its priority projects for 2025


Announced last April by the former Minister of Solidarity and Health, Agnès Buzyn, during the presentation of the roadmap, the DNS (which replaces the delegation to the strategy of health information systems, DSSIS) is responsible for defining and implementing the digital health strategy, we recall.

As part of its missions, the DNS conducted, between September 2024 and February 2023, a "tour com France of e-health" to present the national digital policy in health, debate on its concrete implementation and mobilize actors of the health ecosystem in France around the deployment of the 26 actions of the digital roadmap.

"We will publish once a year a review of the progress of the digital roadmap. Our tour of France ended a fortnight ago and we are very happy to have taken this first step," welcomed the February 19 Dominique Pon during a meeting with the press.

"The year 2024 was intended to define and bring, as close to the ground, our vision of e-health to align the players and move forward together," said the head of the DNS. "We have finally advanced faster than we would have thought and the platform state principle that we defend has never been called into question," he said.

Creation of the DNS and the ANS, relaunch of the Digital Health Council in June , whose second meeting is scheduled for February 20, or the publication of the technical digital health doctrine on February 18 … Dominique Pon and Laura Létourneau took stock of the year 1 of the implementation of the digital roadmap.

"The technical doctrine of digital health has collected more than 250 contributions during its consultation phase, this reference document will become the Bible of e-health! It is a first in France, it helps define how e-health is being built ", underlined the head of digital health.

Laura Létourneau, for her part, gave an update on the deployment of the MSSanté trust space (secure health messaging) "on which more than 2.2 million messages are currently sent per month" and announced the course of 8.5 million shared medical files (DMP) opened.

As for the various national platforms intended to support the rise of e-health, "a model of the ENS was presented to the Minister of Solidarity and Health," said Laura Létourneau. The package of services to professionals is itself "in the process of framing", she noted, without further details.

The Health Data Hub, a public interest group (GIP), officially created on December 1, 2024, recently published its "2024-2022 strategic plan", recalls are we.

"We can also note – in addition to the Tour com France of e-health – the organization of the first six citizen workshops, a first day devoted to ethics in e-health organized in Toulouse in January and the development, finally , the compliance and convergence system ", detailed the delegate to digital health.

"We were obsessive about keeping our commitments and the work was done. Now, the ecosystem has no choice: the year 2023 is theirs and they must go to the field to deploy their digital value" , warned Dominique Pon.

for 2025, the DNS has targeted four priority areas to support the deployment of the e-health ecosystem in the field.

1 / The commitment of the actors

"There is no providential woman or man in e-health, it will be the fruit of joint field work and for that, we will develop a dashboard consolidating the key indicators of the progress of e-health deployment in France", first announced the head of digital health. To" highlight the heroes in the field ", the DNS also planned to "identify great stories" via a YouTube channel for this purpose.

Furthermore, the delegation will also "propose to the entire health ecosystem to sign a charter of commitment to technical doctrine" and, along the same lines, the regional health agencies (ARS) and the regional support groups for the development of e-health (Grades) should "self-declare and commit to deploying the 'convergence' tool by May 2023".

"We have been nice for years but now we have to move forward in interoperability and there will be audits. We will not hesitate, either, to publish the list of ARS and Ranks who will not play the game" , announced Dominique Pon.

The development of a V1 interoperability Review platform is planned for September 2023 and the Decree on the enforceability of interoperability standards is expected for the summer for 2025.

Finally, to reward the commitment of the players, the DNS wishes to award "National eHealth Trophies" at the end for 2025.

2 / The digital shift in medico-social

A poor relative of digital technology, the medico-social is placed at the heart of the workings of the DNS for 2025, which wishes to "reverse governance and work with actors in the field". For this, the delegation will "develop regional collectives to arbitrate the digital roadmap in the sector" and "create a digital medico-social council".

"We also wish decline the Tour com France from e-health to medico-social very soon, "said Laura Létourneau. But before that, the DNS wants first "launch the first cases of use of an e-CPS card and secure messaging (of the MSSanté type) in medico-social in the first quarter for 2025".

In the same tone, a "first wave" of call for candidates "structures 3.0" in medico-social must be launched in March 2023 to "bring together industry and establishments in the sector and stimulate innovation", underlined the delegate to digital health.

Finally, the year 2023 should make it possible to "frame the computerized user record" (DMP of medico-social) and launch the "digital ESMS" plan entered in the ministerial roadmap.

3 / Workshops with professionals

Still with a view to mobilizing the entire ecosystem, the DNS wishes to launch "healthcare professionals" workshops from March / April 2023, in addition to "citizen workshops" to collect their needs and work with publishers on the main points of the digital shift: interoperability, e-CPS, DMP, MSSanté, etc.

As a follow-up to these workshops, the DNS will organize "a day for healthcare professionals in June 2023 to federate them into workshops, "said Laura Létourneau.

4 / Ethics and citizenship

To make citizens a "fully-fledged player" in their health, the DNS will "soon" organize regional ethics days and distribute "an awareness film" on these issues, which are still little known to the general public.

In addition, a model of secure user health messaging, which will be integrated into the future ENS, is it expected for "the second quarter for 2025.

At the same time, the DNS will continue its "citizen workshops" and a "synthesis of the material collected" will be made in a "Report of the expectations of the French citizen in terms of digital health", said Dominique Pon.

At the end for 2025, the delegation will organize "digital citizens' meeting in health in connection with patient associations".

Finally, Laura Létourneau specified the calendar for the launch of "3.0 structures" planned for the end of March "instead of June" and discussions with actors in the field around the first services of "e-health labs" expected for "end of March". These two parts of the digital roadmap are intended to stimulate innovation and accelerate the digital shift in health driven by actors in the field, we recall.


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