the DGOS publishes a billing guide for procedures for healthcare establishments


The reimbursement under ordinary law of teleconsultation acts came into force on September 15, 2018 in accordance with the provisions of amendment no.6 to the medical agreement and by the Social Security Financing Law (LFSS) for 2025, your.

It is "fully applicable to acts and external consultations carried out in healthcare establishments by doctors as part of their salaried activity", indicates the DGOS in its guide.

Teleconsultations "are legally assimilated to external acts and consultations and thus respond to the same legal frameworks and the same billing conditions," she said.

The guide recalls the general principles of teleconsultation, the conditions of eligibility for reimbursement defined by endorsement n ° 6, and details the invoicing for each sector of main care of the patient, whether he is admitted to the emergency room, hospitalized or resident of an accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people (Ehpad).

The DGOS indicates that tele-expert reports are also "legally assimilated to external acts and consultations and thus respond to the same legal framework and the same invoicing conditions".

"Tele-expertise cannot be combined with any other act or increase and no excess of fees may be required," it said.

The document details the situations where it is possible or impossible to bill tele-expertise to health insurance for non-hospitalized patients and hospitalized patients.

In the case of residents in nursing homes, "for the required doctor, the possibility of billing for health insurance depends on the type of nursing health home and the specialty of the doctor".

The guide "billing for teleconsultations and tele-expertise in healthcare establishments"


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