The bra that tweets! Screening for a new smart health smart health connected object.

A new and original campaign for the prevention of breast cancer is being carried out by a Greek communication agency. Original you said! That is to say ? Follow the guide…

A Greek communications agency is launching a new campaign to fight breast cancer. One more awareness and prevention campaign, you say! Yes, except that the idea is rather brilliant and atypical in its form since this Greek agency associates it with the creation of a bra which tweets!

Watches, bracelets, baby socks, T-shirts, etc. Many smart health connected objects have been around for some time now. It’s now the bra’s turn to make the headlines!

"Reminding women to have their breasts examined monthly to prevent possible cancer" is the mission that Ogilvy Athens was given at the operation site.

How does it work?

Simple apparently! Behind an embroidery of the bra is sewn an electronic chip in the shape of the famous Twitter bird. As soon as the bra is unclipped, a signal is sent from the chip to a mobile phone, the latter notifying the signal to a server, which then sends a tweet.

Duration of the campaign

The operation will last two weeks and will be capitalized on by the participation of a famous Greek TV presenter, Maria Bakodimou. Throughout this campaign, every time she unhooks her bra, a tweet will remind all Twittos to remember to prevent breast cancer by screening, and thus avoid the disease.

Where to find it?

At this time, unfortunately, this smart health connected bra is not intended for marketing, so you will not find it in any store near you, or even on the internet. Created only for this awareness and prevention campaign, the question remains unanswered: what will happen to this bra?

connected bra


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