the application that makes people with autism more independent


Imagined by the mother of a young autistic boy, WatcHelp is an application which aims to support more broadly people with mental handicap or cognitive disorders, helping them to gain autonomy.

Today, mental handicap is one of the most important public health challenges for modern medicine. In France, between 300,000 and 500,000 people are affected by these disorders, including 60,000 people with autism according to Solutions are provided by health professionals but also by relatives of people affected by these disorders, aware of their real needs on a daily basis.

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Gain autonomy thanks to WatcHelp

WatcHelp "width =" 261 "height =" 464 "srcset =" 725w, https: //www.objetconnecte. net / wp-content / uploads / 2016/04 / WatcHelp01-768x1365.jpg 768w, 900w, https: // 113w, 1080w "sizes = "(max-width: 261px) 100vw, 261px" /> Designed by <strong>Estelle Ast</strong>, the application <strong>WatcHelp</strong> offers a new approach to the treatment of these disorders – linked to old age, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, hyperactivity or autism – by enabling people affected to gain independence and make them less dependent on those around them.</p>
<h2>A wrist assistant</h2>
<p style=The application (available on Google Play) is most effective on the wrist of the person affected by these disorders. The smartphone application allows you to schedule or send alerts or notifications to the wearer of the watch to remind them of certain information like the schedule, or the tasks he has to do during the day. WatcHelp is also present for dictate the steps to follow in complex situations for the person being monitored. A “reminder” function lets loved ones know if these tasks have been completed. Otherwise, a notification is sent directly to the administrator’s smartphone to notify them.

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Illustrated instructions

These reminders can be in the form ofeducational images breaking down certain actions of the day, such as when showering or waking up, to support the person and make them gain autonomy. The application also offers the possibility of sending simple questions to the wearer of the watch who will be able to answer with "yes" or "no".

Compatible with all Android Wear smart health connected watches, the WatcHelp application is available on Android for € 2.90.



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