More and more companies are interested in personal development tools for the recruitment of their employees. The DISC method makes it possible to assess the potential of its (future) employees, in the development of a project by combining the energies of each. For effective management, to define a fair sales approach, authentic communication.
The DISC method (acronym for Dominant, Influential, Stable, Conscientious) is defined in 4 main psychological profiles which are not established to judge the value of the individual, but essentially in terms of internal resources and areas for improvement. Through a questionnaire listing your experiences, your perception of life, communication,empathy and many other aspects of your behavior will flow from a DISC profile.
The DISC method, known as the 4 colors, makes it possible to limit mismanagement within a team because each of us has its own world map, which is built by internal filters such as values, beliefs, past experiences.
What you will learn
The foundation of our personality
The interest, here, is to be authentic, the DISC method makes it possible to define your communicating profile, your dominant color and thus to know your full potential but also that of the other. It allows you to find effective and authentic communication within a team, to its customers and suppliers.
The DISC method is defined in 4 colors
- Red corresponds to the Dominant, the authoritarian, symbolizing the Fire.
This profile is sure of itself, recognizes its true value, extroverted, imposing, speaks loudly and quickly, likes to take risks. He is in action, can be intimidating and overwhelming for others.
- Yellow corresponds to the influential, to the solar, symbolizing the Sun.
This profile is positive, enthusiastic. This solar person loves people, full ofempathy, it attaches to looks the other. With his leadership, this profile likes teamwork, attaches himself to beautiful things and knows how to maintain his network. Its small defect: can be badly organized.
- Green corresponds to reassuring Stability, symbolizing Nature.
This profile internalizes his emotions and his needs. Calm, serene, often sacrificial, it puts the needs of others before its own, stress management febrile who can quickly lead to anger or depression if he works under pressure.
- Blue corresponds to the Conscientious, to Security, symbolizing the Sea.
This profile is autonomous and solitary, logical, meticulous and therefore analytical. He likes the detail because he does not want to leave room for error, often out of unconscious fear. Every detail matters. He appreciates compliance with the rules and procedures.
The advantages for the company of using the DISC method
What the DISC method tells us is that we have a suitable self, the one we show and the natural self, what we really are. Behavioral analysis reveals a nuanced profile called Arc en ciel, because nuanced in colors and in their intensities.
From this flow eight trends: driver, motivator, promoter, facilitator, supporter, coordinator, evaluator and organizer
Thanks to these eight trends, it is possible to establish a overall team profile. This avoids oppositions of the Dominant – Stable or Influential – Conscientious type. And thus, to restore balance in interpersonal communications and optimize the performance of the team and the individual in the team for the creation of a project, the development of a prospect, the cohesion of team, time management and conflict.
Communication is the key to success
Very often, conflicts are generated by a communication not authentic. The DISC method invites us to recognize that we have our own world map, our perception of reality is not necessarily the truth for all.
Our filters condition our behaviours that a DISC profile opposite to ours could not necessarily understand, and vice versa. Realizing that there are as many realities as there are people on Earth, we realize how ubiquitous is "miscommunication".
This is why, thanks to the DISC method, I invite all managers, leaders, employees to define their profile and that of the people around them to find benevolence in the trades, respect for others and effective and lasting communication. Communication is an integral part of our humanity: it is everywhere, visual, written, verbal, non-verbal … And this, in all areas of life.
Since our childhood, we tamed it by listening and watching others communicate to forge our own shade of communication. The Disc method allows us to learn to communicate according to our internal state and our environment. The Disc method is a psychological tool very famous in personal development by its reliability and its approach created by Walter Clarke. The Disc method is part of an “Agile” approach.
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