Tap Strap – The first portable smart health connected keyboard

The Tap Systems company has imagined a brand new product: the Tap Strap smart health connected and portable keyboard. If you are tired of having to sit in front of a screen and a keyboard to write documents, this smart health smart health connected object should interest you.

Tap Strap is awesome! It uses gesture commands to mimic the work of a normal keyboard, so you can work from anywhere and on any surface.

Tap Strap - The first portable connected keyboard

This wearable is able to connect to any Bluetooth device. In its strap, integrated sensors to track information on your hand and finger movement. Once the device is smart health connected, you can even tap on a sofa or even your leg and see the information entered appear on the screen you have chosen.

This device does not function like a traditional QWERTY or QWERTY keyboard. Tapping a finger will give you a vowel, tapping a combination will give you other letters of the alphabet. David Schick, one of the creators of Tap, said the feedback led to the introduction of a mouse and fabric design, as well as haptic feedback to help users.

I find this to be a credible alternative to what you are using today. Personally, I find it particularly practical in a VR environment. And yes, complicated to type on a keyboard when you have a virtual reality headset on your nose. It remains to be seen whether learning combinations is that easy.

If you are interested in this product, you will need to be a little more patient. According to David Schick, the product will not be released until August 2017. Until then, Tap Systems will add new features and languages ​​to its product.

To help you understand how this wearable works, here is a short presentation ehealth:

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtSQT8lS4vo (/ embed)


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