Friendly baby animals in soft pastel colors are sure to delight on these soothing, soft, comfortable carpets made especially for infants.KIDSoft™ carpets, made especially for infants, are softer than ...
Happy caterpillars help teach the ABC's and offer a cheerful location for circle time and other daytime activities. Manufactured with the finest Commercial Grade DuPont NylonFinished with bound ...
Get cozy amongst the colors and shapes while practicing letter recognition.Made of recyclable nylon fiberSkid-resistant backingAdvanced stain protectionPasses CPSC FF1-70, Standard for the Surface ...
Pastel colors and visually engaging patterns are guaranteed to delight with these soothing, comfortable carpets made especially for infants.KIDSoft™ carpets, made especially for infants, are softer ...
Create a calm, nurturing environment with this nature-inspired carpet. Developed with KIDSoft™ fibers especially for infants, these carpets are softer than standard carpets, yet just as durable and ...
Let's go play and go learn! The Go-Go Driving Rug reinforces imaginary play and encourages social interaction and dramatic playMade of recyclable nylon fiberSkid-resistant backingAdvanced stain ...
The warm colors of this seating rug will make an inviting space for learning. Each colored space gives children their own spot to sit, all while being surrounded by a literacy border. Limited ...
Happy caterpillars help teach the ABC's and offer a cheerful location for circle time and other daytime activities. Manufactured with the finest Commercial Grade DuPont NylonFinished with bound ...
Get cozy on the warm shades of nature! Individual squares each feature a letter of the alphabet and an object that begins with the same letterEach square shows the uppercase and lowercase ...
Make any space an enjoyable place to learn with this beautiful literacy rug! Brightly colored squares feature uppercase and lowercase letters with charming designs. Number and shape squares provide ...
The whimsy of this Noah's Ark inspired rug will inspire multiple levels of learning in your classroom. Made of recyclable nylon fiberSkid-resistant backingAdvanced stain protectionMachine washable in ...
The whimsy of this Noah's Ark inspired rug will inspire multiple levels of learning in your classroom. Made of recyclable nylon fiberSkid-resistant backingAdvanced stain protectionMachine washable in ...
Organize classroom circle time with this simple, colorful rug! Children can have their own personal colored space to sit with plenty of wiggle room. Rug is surrounded by an educational literacy ...
Kids will delight in cruising to their favorite destination on this wonderful playtime rug. Manufactured with the finest commercial grade premium nylonFinished with double-stitched serged edges to ...
Kids will delight in cruising to their favorite destination on this wonderful playtime rug. Manufactured with the finest commercial grade premium nylonFinished with double-stitched serged edges to ...
This wonderful Circletime rug comes in colorful or calming colors. With its simple alphabet border this rug is sure to encourage learning in any classroom setting. Perfect for seating and classroom ...
A beautiful carpet with a lesson in letters! Lowercase letters of the alphabet are featured among a pattern of 48 squares in calming nature tones for a geometrically designed decorative rug. Perfect ...
A beautiful carpet with a lesson in letters! Lowercase letters of the alphabet are featured among a pattern of 48 squares in calming nature tones for a geometrically designed decorative rug. Limited ...
Pastel colors and visually engaging patterns are guaranteed to delight with these soothing, comfortable carpets made especially for infants.KIDSoft™ carpets, made especially for infants, are softer ...