Swivel screen smartwatch for Samsung

A Samsung swivel screen smartwatch may well see the light of day. This is in any case what suggests a patent application filed recently by the company.

The design of this swivel screen smartwatch is quite interesting since the screen is positioned so that it is always readable and facing you. The patent also states that there will be a built-in camera that will make sure to detect your face to properly position the screen.

Samsung swivel screen smartwatch

I like the idea because it might prove to be quite practical. Imagine your hands full or driving. You will no longer have to contort yourself to see the time since it is the screen that will come to you. On the patent, we can also see that the watch face will be oblong, but it is more than likely that this type of technology can also work with a watch with a circular screen; certainly like the screen of the future Samsung Gear A.

Other elements are also revealed in this patent. For example, it describes a function that allows the user to activate the display by voice command instead of a gesture. Talking a lot to our watches to take notes, respond to messages or set an alarm, this feature could be useful.

Samsung swivel screen smartwatch

Samsung swivel screen smartwatch

Samsung swivel screen smartwatch




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