SmartThings objects soon controllable with Amazon Echo

SmartThings objects will soon be controllable with Amazon Echo. This information was revealed directly on the SmartThings blog; a company now owned by Samsung.

The second generation SmartThings objects that will be available in September will therefore be compatible with Amazon Echo, a product that seems to appeal to all health home automation brands one after the other. Samsung's health home automation platform therefore adopts the same strategy as others before it, for example WeMo and Hue.

Amazon Echo SmartThings objects

Indeed, Amazon’s Bluetooth speaker, which has a voice assistant, can already control products like Wemo and Hue, as well as Wink. It seems that Amazon is really on the verge of winning its bet to impose itself in the small smarthome market.

On the SmartThing blog, the company explained that you will therefore be able to control SmartThings objects such as lights, switches and more generally, everything that is smart health connected to the SmartThings electrical outlet. You will then only have to speak and ask the Amazon speaker to activate these devices. You'll only have to start your sentences with "Alexa", the name of Echo's voice assistant, to control them.

SmartThings even shared a ehealth, to be discovered below, to demonstrate that Echo can control a SmartThings bulb and other smart health connected objects. There is also a step-by-step guide with instructions on how to connect Echo with the SmartThings system. Even if no release date has been announced, the integration should take place very soon.

On the Amazon side, if Echo has already been available in the United States for a few months, the speaker remains unavailable in France. No date for pre-order or marketing is advanced by the American giant. We can easily imagine that it is necessary to adapt the voice assistant for each language and that, consequently, that the deployment is a little longer than for other products.



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