SmartBand, the smart health connected bracelet from Sony


The Sony Smartband is a bracelet smart health connected to your Smart phone that allows you to collect and consult data on your daily activity.

The concept

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<p><noscript><img decoding=After the Sony Smartwatch 2, here is Smartband a smart health connected bracelet that measures physical activity. He records and keeps track of movements, conversations and hobbies. It is thanks to an integrated Corp sensor that the bracelet analyzes movements and collects data. You can view everything on Smart phone, tablet or PC via the Lifelog application available on iOS and Android. A dashboard will present you with all the data collected on your activities, the goals you have set and the moments of your life that you have captured. Note that the bracelet has an autonomy of several days, 5 maximum. The bracelet is also watertight and is available in several colors.


This bracelet is multifunctional. You can follow the statistics and the progress of your physical activity. With this bracelet you can monitoring calories expended, the number of steps taken and the speed at which you move. It tracks your movements whether you are on foot, by bike, by car or even by train. You also have the option of take photos and videos moments you want by pressing the button on the bracelet. he analyze your sleep and depending on the cycle there wakes you up at the most ideal time with a slight vibration. There you also prevents phone calls, messages and notifications received. When listening to music on your Smart phone, you have the option of control your music (play, pause, previous, next). All of this data can be viewed anytime, anywhere from the mobile app.

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Recently announced, the bracelet will be available end of March in France. The price is fixed at 99 € and is already in pre-order on the Internet.


 AB Smart Health


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