Better understand the disease to better fight it. Intel and the Michael J. Fox Foundation are partnering to better understand Parkinson's disease.
At the service of research
We no longer present Michael J. Fox and his fight against the disease. Intel and the foundation that bears his name have collaborated to set up an application capable of collecting information from patients. Individual health can be monitored thanks to the growing number of smart health connected objects in this area, but mass information management, big data, remained to be developed.
Activities, taking medication, general condition of patients (tremors, sleep), in total were close to 300 observations per second, says Intel, which will have to be dealt with.
A Review has already been carried out on a small group of only fifteen people, but the application should be ready by the end of the year. An innovation that would advance research against Parkinson's disease and hopefully for others. Finally we stop looking at the navel and doing beauty on social networks!