These polo smart health connected headphones were designed by Robin Spicer, a student at Loughborough, to improve the safety of polo players.
These headphones seem to be one more gadget in the world of smart health connected objects for sport; but actually not at all! If polo seems like a gentleman's sport, the injury rate is very high and the helmet worn by players has not changed much in a hundred years. It was time to upgrade!
That's why this 23-year-old student at Loughborough University designed Armis, a polo helmet with a sensor, to minimize head injuries and help players get medical attention faster. smart health connected in Bluetooth to a smartphone, the accelerometer detects when a player has fallen from his horse. The impact is detected by the accompanying application.
After receiving a James Dyson Award, Robin Spicer, who has practiced the sport since he was six, was able to 3D print a prototype of his helmet. The latter was on display at the Loughborough Design Show which ended yesterday.
The Armis helmet has a carbon fiber shell. It has also been imagined to minimize the impact of accidents on the days that fall on the head; compared to traditional polo helmets. It also offers a deformation zone made from expanded polystyrene in order to reduce the acceleration of rotation and protect the skull.
The helmet has already attracted the attention of retailers and manufacturers of sports equipment. Suffice to say that the young Robin Spicer is the pride of his parents but also of his university.
To finish this little presentation of Armis, here is a small ehealth of presentation of the helmet:
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