Shapeheart, the connected armband will change the lives of runners

Shapeheart offers an alternative to watches heart rate monitor making your smartphone a real running accessory.Shapeheart, the intelligent armband that rethinks the equipment of the lover of running with easy access to the phone and the measurement of his heart rate. 63% of runners run with their smartphone. Smart health armband Shapeheart was designed to make the smartphone a real running accessory with:

.a magnetic pocket allowing easy access to the smartphone and its features (race rhythm, music, GPS, messages …)
.a heart rate sensor, the data of which is directly accessible in the running application usually used by the athlete allowing him to better personalize his training sessions according to his personal objectives.

A more accurate heart sensor

We talked about the CES 2017. If you like to run with music then you probably already have a pocket to hang your phone around the arm. And if you need to monitor your heart rate, it’s likely a connected wristband or watch is around your wrist. Why not put the two objects together in one accessory? This is Shapeheart’s promise.

Smart health armband Shapeheart 

This all-in-one product eliminates the need to run with a bracelet or a connected watch as a bonus. And no need to download yet another mobile app for running, since the object remains compatible with most known platforms (Endomondo, Runtastic, Nike + …). It is also a more reliable measuring tool than the classic wristbands and watches for the sport. Once the cuff is tight, the sensor is ideally placed to monitor the heartbeat.

Another interesting innovation, the cuff comes with a magnetic shell that can be removed easily to control his smartphone, all without having to be decommissioned each time. Thanks to its magnets, the shapeheart can also be slipped under a sleeve to hang its mobile over it. Convenient for winter races.

It is above all an armband on which you can attach a magnetic pouch in which you can insert your phone safely. Then you simply integrate the sensor to access your heart rate. You will receive your heartbeat at regular intervals with precision but also impressive reactivity. It is the same sensor as a watch but it allows to obtain much more accurate measurements because it is worn closer to the trunk and more adjusted.

Cuff connects shapeheart heart sensor

Note that the American brand Avia had already positioned on the same type of product from 2015. However, these are only available in the United States. More generally, cardio sensors are generally rather integrated into a watch, a bracelet or an accessory less convenient to wear. The bet of Smart health armband Shapeheart is double. Mingle an accessory to carry your phone while having a real follow-up from a health point of view.

Click here to know more smart health innovation objects 

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