Smart Fluid Water Meter – The health home Automation Blog

The Fluid smart water meter will allow us to better consume the water we use every day. Did you shower this morning? How many times have you flushed in the day? You probably know, but do you know how much water you used to do this?

Fluid smart water meter

This smart water meter helps you understand exactly when, where and how much water you consume in your health home each day. "Currently, consumers receive a water bill every month, but it is complicated to understand," said Fluide co-founder Josh Becerra. "Fluid will really give consumers more control over their use of water. "

To install it, simply clip it around the main water pipe in your health home. Then connect it to your Wi-Fi network and download the Fluid app to access real-time reports on your iPhone or Android. Thanks to ultrasonic technology, essentially sending pulses from one ultrasonic transducer to another, the device is able to measure the speed of flow of water through the pipe.

Fluid smart water meter Fluid smart water meter Fluid smart water meter

Every appliance in your health home, be it the kitchen faucet, the toilet, or the washing machine has a very special signature. In the application, you can request to "listen" to a device for a defined period of time to define and store its "signature". Thanks to this, the water meter knows exactly what each device consumes.

Presented on Kickstarter, you can get it for pre-order for $ 179; then, starting in October, it will cost you $ 239. Be aware that if the price seems high, Fluide will quickly be profitable if it allows you to intervene quickly if a pipe breaks or if the toilet flush constantly flows. Watch this short ehealth to learn all about this smart water meter.



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