Autism: Google Glass to help recognize emotions

In the filed of smart autism treatment ,the researchers have developed an application for Google Glass that allows people with autism to better interpret the emotions of people around them.

Autism spectrum disorders are characterized by social learning difficulties. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder are not always able to recognize the basic emotions in people’s facial expressions, making social interactions and developing friendships more difficult.

The Autism Glass Project at Stanford University School of Medicine has developed an application using Google Glass augmented reality glasses to help children with autism recognize emotions in people around them.

Google Glass to help people with smart autism treatment 

The team, led by pediatrician Dennis Wall, has developed an artificial intelligence system that uses machine learning techniques to automate facial expression recognition and provide real-time information to the child in his or her body. natural environment.

Researchers used a smartphone connected to Google Glass glasses. With facial recognition software, smart glasses indicate, in real time, the emotions of the people who communicate with him. According to the physicians who participated in the study: “Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have shown a deficiency in facials, such as distinguishing fear of surprise and identifying emotions. more subtle. Children also have difficulty with facial engagement and eye contact. Teaching this to autistic children is important for their social development, it’s very much about empathy. “

“The system aims to teach autistic children how to understand what a face tells them,” says the professor. “And we think that as they learn, they will become more socially engaged, and as a result will develop confidence in social situations. Learning to recognize emotions in others also helps to learn about their own emotions.

The system also records the amount of time and type of visual contact, which provides additional information for behavioral interventions.

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smart autism treatment


 According to this neuroscientist, Google Glass is much more relevant than a mobile application or tablet because they can engage the child with his environment. “With a tablet, the child will stay focused on the screen and shut up,” he notes. He decided to modify the Google Glass by adding an additional module with a processor and a specific software part to give more flexibility to the tool. “This allows us to process more data in real time and encrypt it – in fact, we see Google Glass as a simple computer, and then develop the features we want,” he says.

Positive results

The scientists conducted a first experiment on 14 children with autism. These children have, for 10 weeks, used this device at home. Although limited to a rather small sample, the first results are remarkable. In fact, 12 of the 14 children showed, after these 10 weeks of testing, a noticeable improvement in eye contact and social interaction. Larger scale tests with a test group are currently being conducted and, if the results are confirmed, Google Glass could soon become an important part of helping people with autism.


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