Small pea natural health benefits and nutrition facts

Small pea natural health benefits and nutrition facts

Chinese food small pea

Nutrition facts of Chinese food small pea (per 100 grams)

Calories (kcal) 313                Potassium (mg) 1.1

Fat (g) 65.8                            Protein
(g) 20.3

Carbohydrates (g) 10.4        Phosphorus
(mg) 823

Cholesterol (mg) 259            Calcium (mg) 9.8

Sodium (mg) 118                   Magnesium (mg) 98

Niacin (mg) 8.47                    Iron (mg) 4.9

Vitamin C (mg) 2.1                Vitamin E (mg) 2.37

Zinc (mg) 1.15                       Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.16

Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.49            Copper (mg) 0.51

Vitamin A (ug) 250                Selenium (mcg) 43

Fibresalimentaires (g) 1.69       


Nutritional value of Chinese food small peas

pods and pea leaves are rich in vitamin C and enzymes can break down
nitrosamines in the body to prevent and resist cancer. Pea is different from
other vegetables, it contains lysine, methionine, lectins and other
antibacterial substances that can reduce inflammation and improve the metabolic
function. Pea and all-eat contain abundant dietary fiber, which can prevent
constipation and rid the colon.

Enhance immune function: pea is rich in various nutrients needed by the body,
especially high-quality protein that can improve the body’s ability to resist
disease and the recovery.

Prevent and treat cancer: pea is rich in carotene, it can prevent carcinogenic
synthesis to reduce the formation of cancer cells and reduce the incidence of
cancer of the human body.

Enjoy the large intestine: the peas are rich in crude fiber can promote bowel
movements, circulate excrement maintain clean the large intestine.


Chinese food small pea for your natural health and cures:

the mind, stop dysentery, promote urine, soothe swelling, and cure beriberi.

Small peas Chinese recipes

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