skin lesions on the toes seen in children

This is an increasingly frequent observation made by doctors. Some patients, subsequently diagnosed with Covid-19, have skin lesions before any other symptoms. Children and adolescents are also affected, several cases are described by podiatrists in Europe.

These are observations that go back from the field. Some patients have dermatological signs, in the form of erythema, before the onset of classic symptoms of Covid-19, like the fever and cough, and before the infection is confirmed by virologic testing.

The General Council of Podiatrists of Spain reports, in A press release, cases of young children or adolescents with skin lesions on the feet in Italy, France and Spain. These are erythema, small rashes and inflammations recalling those caused by the varicella where the measles, located on the toes. These lesions generally resolve on their own, without leaving a trace on the skin.

Skin conditions, an early sign of Covid-19

In Italy, the case of a thirteen-year-old boy was also reported by the International Federation of Podiatrists. Round, purplish-red lesions appeared suddenly on his big and second toes.

Two days later, the adolescent suffered from a fever above 38.5 ° C, pains muscle and headache. The dermatological lesions also worsened, taking on a purulent appearance seven days after their appearance.

The boy's mother and sister also had symptoms of Covid-19. But none of the three could be tested at look of the country's health situation, according to the International Federation of Podiatrists.

These cutaneous manifestations alone are not sufficient to attest to an infection with coronavirus. The General Council of Podiatrists recalls that diagnostic differential is necessary to connect erythema with certainty to Covid-19. He nevertheless advises parents with children with this type of lesion, and who have no particular history, to keep them in quarantine since they could be healthy carriers.

Coronavirus: sudden skin rashes worry dermatologists

Article published on April 8, 2023 by ABSMARTHEALTH with AFP-Relaxnews

Fever, cough, body aches, headache, extreme tiredness, loss of taste andsmell were until now the symptoms caused by the coronavirus. Another seems to want to be invited on the list as worry about them dermatologists who have noticed numerous skin manifestations in patients, possibly linked to Covid-19 disease.

Pseudo-frostbite, urticaria, persistent redness: dermatologists alert the population and the medical profession to what they consider to be "manifestations skin "Covid-19 disease, we learned on Wednesday. In one communicated, the National Union of Dermatologists-Venereologists (SNDV) explains that it organized a “ WhatsApp group of more than 400 dermatologists (liberal and hospital-university) (who) has highlighted skin lesions, associated or not with signs of Covid ".

Skin lesions on asymptomatic profiles?

" These are acrosyndromes (appearance of pseudo-frostbite of the extremities), sudden appearance of persistent, sometimes painful redness, and lesions ofurticaria passenger ", Details the SNDV, which judges" important for patients who have problems skin of this type consult a dermatologist ", Remote or not. Dermatologists ensure continuity of care during pandemic, their consultations are mostly done in telemedecine.

" Analysis of the many cases reported to SNDV shows that these manifestations can be associated (with the coronavirus, editor's note), say dermatologists. We alert the population and the medical profession in order to detect these potentially patients as quickly as possible contagious, without necessarily respiratory signs ", they conclude.

Detect these potentially contagious patients as quickly as possible, without necessarily having respiratory signs

The French Society of Dermatology, meanwhile, reports that the Department of Dermatology at Henri Mondor Hospital in Créteil recently observed skin signs such as maculopapular erythematous lesions affecting the face exclusively in three patients (one child and two adults) with a very likely infection or confirmed by Covid-19.

Asked about this Tuesday evening, the Director General of Health, Jérôme Salomon, remained elusive. " Not to my knowledge ", He replied to the question of whether we could consider certain dermatological problems like hives as new signs of illness. " But as you know, we learn every day about this virus and some describe forms that were not known. But, on this dermatological aspect, I have not seen any publication ", He said.

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