smart health connected objects help us in a practical way in everyday life today. Some are even used to facilitate social interactions. But little by little, a niche appeared. Wearables or health home accessories, they encourage us to reach goals by promising us a reward. Explanations.
What you will learn
Moti rewards you if you adopt good habits
We all have bad habits that we wish we could get rid of. Whether it's tidying up more often, doing more exercise, or quitting smoking. It is often difficult to get there. You have to find a daily motivation which can turn out to be a real challenge. Moti is a small smart health smart health connected object equipped with an LED that could help you. Its operation is simple. You define your habits, your profile and all your information through the application. Of course, also set the goal you want to achieve or the action you want to do every day. You will then be given a light signal when it is time to complete it. With time and practice, Moti will be able to help you better. When you reach your goals, you are rewarded.
The only limitation of the object, it can only deal with one bad habit at a time. It is up to you to see what is most urgent and then take the next step. One burden at a time! This project recovered more than $ 100,000 from Kickstarter last year. However, it is not possible to order it at the moment, the company is finishing its Review phase. To wait, an AI interaction service is available on the company website from 5 dollars. The concept is the same except that everything happens through a cat.
KSafe, the safe that unlocks when you reach your goals
KSafe is a safe but is not intended to store money. It rewards you when you reach your goals by opening up. You can therefore put delicious cookies, your children's console controller… It connects via bluetooth to your smartphone and can thus detect according to your position or your movements if you have done what you promised yourself. This is the perfect solution to force yourself to achieve goals that we sometimes find impossible to achieve. Since you will not have access to these objects during the time you have defined, your attention may be focused on your urgent tasks. Not sure, however, that this is enough for the most easily distracted among us. But it's worth a try, right?
Count from 49 to 54 dollars depending on the size you want. KSafe comes in white, blue, green and red.
Ampy, exercise rewards you in battery form
New technologies generally pose two problems for us. The first is the battery. Too often we regret that they don't last long enough, forcing us to have an external battery or charger with us. The second is the lack of sports activity. We tend to spend too much time in front of the screens and therefore move less. A reproach that parents very often make to their children. Ampy brings you a solution to both problems. The more active and moving you are, the more this small battery recharges. In 1 hour of exercise, you can accumulate enough battery for 1 hour of intensive use of the phone, 5 hours in quiet use and up to 24 hours of recharging for a smartwatch.
If you want to Review how much energy you could save before buying, the Ampy + app lets you do it for free. Then, you will have to pay $ 75 to buy this external battery.
Razer Nabu, to get the gamers moving
The Razer Nabu is a smart health connected bracelet primarily intended for gamers. If it gives you most of the classic information from a fitness tracker, it doesn't stop there. Indeed, thanks to partnerships with ehealth game creators, your physical activity is rewarded in the game. The more you walk, the more calories you burn and the more you will have access to bonuses, in the form of objects or gold. On the price side, count around 50 dollars.
Molly is the ideal social media generation gadget. Do you work with social networks or are you trying to grow your audience? This little robot encourages you with a sweet reward: candy. Each retweet will allow you to access a sweetness that you will have selected next. Launched in 2012 on the Kickstarter platform, this project has never been completed. Only 11,000 dollars have been rewarded while its creators hoped for triple. The good news, they put the plans online to build it yourself. The basics are relatively simple, you need an Arduino, a cooling system, a USB cable and of course the candy. It's your turn !
To discover the best of smart health connected objects in each sector, go to our dedicated section.