Sanofi launches the Bact'Attack mobile game


To prevent the misuse of antibiotics, the Sanofi laboratory is launching a new application for children and adolescents: Bact'Attack. Presentation.

As part of the World Week for the Good Use of Antibiotics in early October, Sanofi launched a new application to inform children, adolescents and their loved ones, about microbes, their differences, how bacteria become resistant to antibiotics and the use suitable for antibiotics: Bact'Attack.

Bact'Attack mobile game

The app can also be used by healthcare professionals to advise their patients on the correct use of antibiotics and behaviors to prevent resistance.

The objective of the game is to defend the Infection Fight Simulator (IFS) from attacks by microorganisms and become the master of the laboratory thanks to Sonia a partner who guides and helps the player to master all the techniques. It is a race against the clock to avoid infection. To carry out this mission, the player has several means to defend the IFS and gain the fulfillment of the tasks entrusted.

With each victory, the player accumulates research points to be used to unlock the higher levels or to have super powers. He can also find explanations in the encyclopedia section on microorganisms, the bacteria that protect us, the history of antibiotics and many other surprises.

Source: Sanofi


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