Samsung postpones the release of the new generation

SmartThings has, as you know, been bought by Samsung. We are therefore all impatient to see how Samsung will improve its health home automation suite. But we will still have to wait.

SmartThings will finally unveil its new generation of sensors and its health home Automation Hub later than expected. They were indeed due to be presented in April. Now, the brand is a little more vague and communicates by saying that its new generation of product will “probably” be released in the third quarter of 2015.


The reasons for this postponement? Well, version 2 of its Hub and the sensors are simply not yet ready for launch; even if the company says it works non-stop. As a reminder, the new SmartThings Hub promises increased performance in terms of speed, with the possibility of running applications locally rather than in the cloud. It includes a backup battery as well as cellular data options.

In addition to the new features, the brand also announced that it would carry out numerous tests regarding recent service interruptions. As disappointing as these delays may be, it is certainly better than an alternative product. I hope in any case that there will be no new reports because I am more than eager to discover them and have a little fun with them.



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